two sisters invested 300

(Reporter Wan Qin) compliance Father wills, two sisters invested 300,000 yuan to help the poor economic conditions of the third sister and her husband to buy a house, only to come from behind three brother-economic conditions, but also to abandon Sanmei, unwilling to return 300,,louboutin femme,,000 Yuan,, then please Sanmei her two sisters and her husband to court demand repayment. Reporters learned yesterday,, Wuchang District People's Court recently made a ruling: the third sister and three brother-sister Ms Chu to Mr. Zhang, Sister repayment 150,000 yuan each, and pay overdue interest.

Ms. Zhu, who lives in Wuchang there are two sisters, three sisters, a very good relationship. In 2006,, Ms. Zhu father died ago asked Ms. Chu: two daughters have married do not worry,, most worried about is not yet marriage three daughters, the future must be conducted on the three daughters help. Ms. Zhu and Sister bear in mind that his father's last wishes.

In 2007, Mr. Zhang Sanmei and married. After marriage,,spaccio woolrich, Mr. Zhang did a decent job, and the two have no fixed housing. Under Ms. Zhu's proposal, Ms. Zhu and Sister borrowed 150,000 yuan each to buy a house to his sister and brother, Mr. Zhang to help find a good job.

Soon, the couple moved into a new house Sanmei, through the efforts of Mr. Zhang gradually promoted to the company's management, life is good. Sanmei career saw her husband has been improvement,nike tn pas cher, resigned at home with her daughter. Did not last long, because Mr. Zhang overtime every day, frequently socialize outside,, the couple often petty quarrels, conflicts more and more,louboutin milano, the marital relationship "exists in name only."

Recent Sanmei see, Ms. Zhu and Mr. Zhang Sister repeatedly found to require the return of 300,moncler outlet,000 yuan to buy a house, but Mr. Zhang claimed the money, then even the people are gone. Sanmei see the marriage has irretrievably lost, in order to save some capital after the divorce, then please simply his sister and sister and Mr. Zhang to court demand repayment, Ms. Zhu and Sister commissioned law firm today Hubei lawyer Zhang Fu Jian Zhang Mr. recover $ 300,000 loan.

Zhang Fu Jian lawyer repeatedly Mr. Xiang Zhang repayment agreement matters, but has been refused Mr. Zhang, forced, Ms. Zhu joint Sister to the court, and Mr. Zhang Sanmei repayment requirements, and bear interest accordingly.

Wuchang District People's Court, after hearing the case, recently made the decision: Sanmei and Mr. Zhang Miss Xiang Zhu, Sister repayment 150,000 yuan each, and pay overdue interest.

Zhang Fu Jian contractor case lawyer said: because of the debt belongs to the couple's joint debt, Mr. Zhang, shared by two people, Ms. Zhu and Sister, and there is no agreement when interest loan, according to the law should be treated as non-payment of interest; the plaintiff filed After the proceedings, the defendant still return, the defendant shall bear interest at the date the defendant in this case from the date of payment to the date of filing period.

(Original title: two sisters Sanmei please tell myself to beg for loans)