According to Wang

China Daily (Reporter Jing Ji) a pair of male and female friends conflict, his girlfriend to break up, the man or not, finally, after the man turned to his girlfriend tied into buying prepared within Liaoning good suitcase shipped back home, not wishing to As soon as he got home was to win the Liaoning police. Reporters yesterday from Xi'an Public Security Bureau of Interpol team was informed before the station, allegedly kidnapped his girlfriend Wang, has been from the Liaoning police escorted back to Xi'an.

They were tied together day stay at the hotel

It is reported that Wang and Mike was a relationship between male and female friends, both because of conflict, the woman broke it off. During the trouble,spaccio moncler, Wang and a Muslim 10:06 am on June 15 went into a quick hotel occupancy. Day 15:16 time-sharing, flustered Wang dragging a large suitcase walked unsteadily aisle, 3:18, the hotel's side door to leave.

According to police reports, the evening of June 15, 11 am,louboutin homme, the public alarm,hogan outlet, said someone kidnapped a woman. The police report based on the clues provided by the victim and the suspect locked Liaoning Wang. According to the situation of victims, the police quickly made contact with the Liaoning police,, a home, the police will be waiting Liaoning Wang arrest.

According to Wang,,louboutin homme,, the suspect confessed that he and a Muslim male and female friends, trouble these days,,air max online,, Mike made a break up, he would not. June 15 and together they stay Xi'an an Inn. Wang confessed that he had just started a friendly negotiation with Mu, and promised to return to Liaoning later, will treat a Muslim, and promised to give Mike a nanny to take care of her, and so on, please.

The driver had heard the cries of the trunk

According to the police investigation, the suspect Wang was at this hotel, with a prepared rope 160cm tall girlfriend tied up after a suitcase stuffed in Xi'an hired a car ready to bring it back in Liaoning. Police investigators said that when the car driving to the half-way, two drivers were heard inside the luggage compartment behind the crying, stop persuade Wang to open the trunk,, only to find that the driver was actually a great living, then asked the king certain how it was. Wang said the woman was his girlfriend hesitated, trouble broke up because he wanted his girlfriend with a box checked back to his hometown in Liaoning. In the two drivers of persuasion,, Wang gave up the idea of using a box to take home his girlfriend, home alone. Immediately, the two drivers rushed to the police.

Police said the evening of June 22, the suspect Wang was escorted back to the police from Liaoning Province,, Xi'an, more details of the case is still under investigation and verification. Currently, Wang has been under criminal detention.

(Original title: bundled into the trunk of her boyfriend)