the most impact on the eye

Pool full of beer cans,tiffany gioielli,, bulk snacks,, naked young diners! Recently,, a group of subjects as "male students in the history of the cattle 'San Huofan' 'photo appeared online forums posts,moncler outlet,, causing network saliva storm.

Most cattle "San Huofan" wine for "cow"

In a photograph of posts in a gesture to invite boys to proudly display their "booty" There are hundreds of canned beer almost the whole heap a wash basin full to the brim, a look around the crowded Another boy is lying topless next to the pool, his hands, "stroke" with neat beer, proudly gestured, seems to tell us: "You see, this is what we should all drank beer today,woolrich sito ufficiale, today We want to get drunk, cow, right? "the other pictures in ten or twenty or arms around the boys, or hold each,, or three thousand three hundred twenty-two squatting on the floor of the bedroom crying, sleeping on the ground filled with" tapas ", and "satiated" one of the boys naked to the waist, and some even wear a panty direct "appearance" and more indecent topless collectively came to the school playground ...... by this group of photos is easy to see,louboutin homme, the so-called most cow "San Huofan",, the most impact on the eye, is that hundreds of cans of beer and underwear indecent photographs, but as a cultural background University,hogan scarpe, has been enough to make all the users' mine down "the.

User: The "bare not" say "Do not naked"

Faced with such cattle, "San Huofan" User talk mixed. Some Internet users believe that four years of college in daily life, so that forged a profound friendship between the students, the students love is the most rare. User "quping16" envy,, "said real feelings iron!" Netizens "Bird II" sigh "Brothers ...... ...... hope this is the brothers into the community after feeling remains the same." But there are users expressed their excesses can not understand this,, that although the separation graduation, but there is no need even confused do not wear jackets or even directly to wear a panty appeared, including "Fengshen Man" very bluntly: "feelings of deep need it all to undress and then you have a problem thinking they have no chance to get together in the future is not to say the more friends quipped:?!!" Naked Do not, do not bare. "At the same time there are friends that graduation occasion, this behavior is very normal. Netizen" city sky raining, "said graduate student when she is more crazy," because some of our students also thermos boys bedroom, chairs What's crazy thrown downstairs, also some public property smashed the bedroom! "