
International Online Zhuangao: According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on April 20,http://bbs.cpuwebs.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=400495, the United States began after the injury of the brain of a man obsessed with mathematics and physics, and became a mathematical genius. The researchers believe that this man suffering from "acquired savant syndrome," in which case only 40 cases worldwide.

September 2002, the United States, Washington Tacoma (Tacoma) 31-year-old Jason? Padgett (Jason Padgett) drop out of school, entered his father's furniture store work. Kara OK attacked in a cause head injuries after Padgett start a whole new perspective on the world. Padgett found his vision changed and began to notice before had given details,louis vuitton borse, and obsessed with mathematics and physics.

Padgett said after opening the bathroom faucet,spaccio woolrich,http://fr2.rpmfind.net, he noticed water flowing vertically. He said: "Initially, I was scared and worried but this scene is very beautiful, I was wearing slippers stood there, staring at the water to see.." Then,http://www.infocrystal.com/alink/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=10/, Padgett no longer go to work,http://rococo.k2.xrea.com/bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi/apeboard_plus.c/, but it takes time to learn all the math and physics, particularly for irregular geometry obsession.

Although Padgett had not showed artistic talent,scarpe hogan, but he is now able to very accurately draw complex geometries. But this gift also gave him a negative impact, Padgett become introverted, always stay at home, but also with the windows covered with blankets,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/joyful.cgi,scarpe hogan outlet, refuse and other visitors. Padgett fear of bacteria, wash hand would rub red so far. Do not wash their hands before her,http://model-cafe.net, he also refused to embrace her daughter.

Padgett thought he was crazy,http://www.yyhospital.com:90/discuz/upload/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3957592, until he saw the BBC documentary found hope. He contacted experts in Da Luode? Troon Calvert (Darold Treffert), the latter diagnosis Padgett suffering "acquired savant syndrome." This situation suddenly became normal after brain injury mathematics, art, music genius, only 40 cases worldwide. Experts detected,http://888zrylwqszq.biz/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2233964, Padgett left side of the brain is more active, especially the "mathematical logic" aspect of the left parietal lobe.

Experts believe that after the injury, the left side of neurotransmitters in the brain hormone increases Padgett, eventually changed his brain structure. After the change in the understanding of their own, Padgett apply to join the community college to re-learn. Padgett, 43, now believes that he is, "Everyone is a potential genius" illustration. Padgett was writing a memoir, her story public. (Willow)

(Original title: The United States,hogan milano, a man obsessed with mathematics from head injuries after dropout becomes a mathematical genius (Photo))