the current case is still under investigation.

(Reporter Shen Jie poetry photo coverage) "We several wholesalers stolen goods, the loss of million,, the management is not a liability for damages?" Yesterday,abercrombie femme, Guiyang geography Agricultural Logistics Park vegetable wholesale trading businesses, call Newspaper 24-hour news hotline 96811 to reflect the recent, many merchants Logistics Park stolen vegetables.

Missing a few extremely heavy mountain pepper

Ms Wu is geographically Agricultural Logistics Park Guiyang vegetable merchant trading,,piumino moncler outlet, a few days ago in the evening when shipped, Ms Wu found less dozens of chili and a little eggplant.

"Lost jalapeno, Pickle, mountain pepper 6 yuan per kilogram on average, 40 pounds each chili, chili alone on the loss of nearly a million." Ms Wu told reporters, "I do vegetable wholesale for 20 years, the The greatest loss. "

Ms Wu believes that the logistics park as the management side, ten thousand dollars a month to charge management fees and site security costs, then park the goods shall be liable for loss,, damages their own losses.

"Last year, my family lost twelfth four peppers, was a few thousand dollars. Seen from the surveillance video of a young man riding a motorcycle, strutted the goods loaded on the train away." With the logistics park to do wholesale business Ms. Chen said, because not see the man looks,, she finally gave up looking.

"Most of doing business here are stolen before, accustomed to." Logistics Park, said many businesses, peppers, cucumbers,moncler sito ufficiale,, carrots and other vegetables have been stolen, time to focus on last December, came from the loss of a few hundred dollars, for a long time million.

Logistics Park prone to "steal food case"

Reporters found,, Guiyang geography Agricultural Logistics Park is about more than 10,000 square meters of vegetable trading, was open, and each channel has no door, no protective fence, anyone can wander in and out. No counters and shelves inside the booth.

Businesses that purchase large amounts of vegetables Take plastic paper covered live, without any safety measures. Many businesses reflect no clear before the market opening and closing time, and out of trucks at any time, trading is difficult to clear the scene,, easily stolen.

"It provides a daily 14:00 pm to 2:00 for the trading hours, the time management staff will be cleared, security better, but four weeks can add an iron mesh protection would be better to do." A merchant offers.

For the missing goods, the majority of businesses said the financing, management does not find a way to coordinate treatment.

Park officials said the contract is not agreed upon compensation

Guiyang geography Agricultural Logistics Park Co., Ltd. Security Minister Chen said that a few days ago after receiving stolen goods merchant reflect, investigate security team flew to increase vegetable area patrols, and finally a man committing the crime was arrested and sent to Huaxi District police station slate, the current case is still under investigation.

Minister Chen said that the first time the company's businesses may reflect the loss of the cargo or the report found,hogan donna, the company will record deal. Compensation for lost goods, Miss Yin logistics park manager, said the signing of the contract with the merchant does such an agreement, specific compensation made after investigation by the public security organs on the set.

In addition, Minister Chen said that because of the special nature of market transactions, can not be completely closed,woolrich donna, completely closed can also cause fire hazard. But within a week security gates and doors will be locked, open area surrounded by vegetables will also piled one meter high wall, with protective net.

Guizhou Dingzun Jiang Yong, law firm lawyers believe that determine logistics park management side does not bear the responsibility of compensation for the loss of businesses, mainly based property management units and commercial property services contract signed in this agreement whether there is liability.

"In general, property management units to assist the public security organs of social security obligations, but not assume the primary responsibility, which should not bear much responsibility and commitment, or to site supervision and in accordance with the contract between the business model of logistics park way, keeping watch on the management side whether the goods to make the obligation. "Jiang lawyer told reporters," If the goods in the market is located in the cupboard, the cupboard has obvious signs of being forced open, centralized management or marketing, to the time the clearance , then the loss of goods,, the management did not do the inspections, management obligations, and opening and closing time Huaxi City Logistics Park vegetable area of concentration, not individually liable. "

(Original title: In this business, stolen into the habit)