set it up in a class

Noon at Shanxi University South Campus of a small woods, winter warm sun through the leaves fall out of the crown,,tn pas cher, basking under a broken gold. Gold embedded in the soil, and India on the steps, playfully climbed a middle-aged woman reading a book on the shoulder, even leapt to her book, in between the lines ...... she called frolic play, 41-year-old, is the text of Shanxi University Ying Zhai seven quarters administrator. Starting in 2005, she was self-taught in his spare time to attend foreign language courses,, etc., have to learn English, French, Korean and Japanese, and is currently learning German, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. December 8, the reporter came to Shanxi University,, the students saw this was called "the most cow college dorm staff," the woman.

Live frugally

Love reading Liang Jingfeng year college exam, with the University of regret missed, but this did not affect her desire to study. 2005, 33-year-old Liang Jingfeng came Taiyuan, candidates to a specialist private school when the dormitory administrator. "Although I did not go to college, not like carrying a bag with a textbook on campus shuttle classrooms as some others, but I work in the school, also has a good learning atmosphere." Although the dormitory administrator's job may seem humble But for heart desire for knowledge of Liang Jingfeng, it was enough.

is Qingxu County, Qingxu speak with an accent, pronunciation of English is not very standard. She said she just started afraid of being laughed at non-standard pronunciation. Once, Liang Jingfeng reading in the dormitory after work, school, a teacher from her window just after. Liang Jingfeng blurted out: "Nictmeeyou (hello)." The teacher has gone through the window to say hello to hear the sound of a sudden, first stunned for a moment, to see the dormitory administrators and greeted her in English, overjoyed, and then politely responded sentence : ". Nictmeeyotoo (you like it)" to see the teacher actually understood what he says in English, Liang Jingfeng heart delighted. "You do not say I do not pronounce standards? How can that foreigners understand me? So whatever standards are not standards, anyway, I should say."

Liang Jingfeng despite the ridicule of others, every day and college students with English dialogue. To test their learning outcomes in students encouraged in 2007 enrolled in three adult English exam. At the time of her salary is only 500 yuan a month, because of the need to buy a lot of learning materials, Liang Jingfeng to their daily living requirements can not be more than 3 yuan. "I had a dollar can buy three buns, I have enough to eat. Every morning,, noon and night, I would only spend one yuan to buy three buns, choked to drink boiled water. This will not only fill the stomach and also saves money, and different buns stuffing tastes change every day to eat. "Liang Jingfeng said with a smile, every day for three meals a bun so lasted two semesters.

That hard work pays. Frugally Liang Jingfeng successfully passed the oral test three adult English, unfortunately, she failed to pass the written test. But let Liang Jingfeng proud of that and take the exam with her students, most of the candidates are written and oral tests did not pass over. Since then, Liang Jingfeng further strengthened the confidence to practice spoken English.

"Benniao" first flight

In order to have better conditions for foreign language and oral communication atmosphere, 2009, Liang Jingfeng resigned at that private school work, to Shanxi University of Finance when the dormitory administrator. For fear that others will simply learn to take her to miss work that matter, Liang Jingfeng more stringent demands on themselves, are efficiently complete their work every day, then add to the reading and study carefully.

In 2010, Liang Jingfeng use of leisure time to enroll in a French course. She said: "It was going to learn Korean, but the teacher said that too few people to learn Korean, set it up in a class,, so I enrolled in a French training French training costs in a single book is 1200 yuan, I was saved two. months' salary of the newspaper now has learned in three volumes, and for people who want to go abroad has been good enough. The last book that no one school can not open classes, but I have to go to the bookstore to buy the fourth book , ready to self. "

Most applicants are French courses in graduate and undergraduate students,woolrich prezzi, the learning process is not a lot of words of asked the teacher. Over time, some teachers are upset, let her buy a dictionary reference. Once a teacher quiz tests, due weekdays hard solid learning, out of 20 score points, Liang Jingfeng exam, 14.6 points, among the best. The test results so that teachers can not help her with admiration.

On French book, the reporter saw, every page filled with dense notes. Meanwhile, Liang Jingfeng did fall over every after-school exercises, the teacher asked whether or not she is seriously thinking about and all the answer. "Because I react more slowly, so the only master, round trip, more effort than others."

In 2011, the French end of training, followed by Korean course enrollment,, also enrolled in Korean training. Currently, she has completed two of the Korean tutorial, but sneak in, she also studied Japanese, you can now carry out simple conversations in Japanese exchanges.


In March 2011, because some human factors,, dismissed Shanxi University of Finance, came to work in the Shanxi University dormitory administrator.

23-year-year-old Guo Ting is history and culture of Shanxi College sophomore graduate student, she often stopping to quarters, and communicate in English. "In this building has not yet moved into the dormitory when I heard that the school has a dorm aunt four foreign languages and can communicate with others, I feel very shocked, especially worship, always wanted to meet her 'true colors'. I found out later she know, aunt and his particularly good, not only dormitories are well-kept, but also often to our greetings. We usually go out into, or dinner is going to be conducted in English and aunt brief exchange. "Guo Ting told reporters say these words, stand aside Liang Jingfeng head down, lean against the bed piled high with books, shy smile. "Auntie particularly rare spirit, she is our role model." Guo Ting said.

It is understood that in order to create the conditions for learning , many of the English Department students have teachers in class, will quietly notify Liang Jingfeng time and place. Liang Jingfeng busy work at hand, if time permits, will go to lectures. Teachers often ask students to work in pairs to communicate in English, and once students leave class has not, the teacher will invite Liang Jingfeng and there is no "partner" students learn to communicate, Liang Jingfeng successfully completed the "mission." Another time, the teacher gave us each made a piece of paper, let write his name and student number, as well as the following scoring criteria. Confused asked students around he realized this lesson everyone came to do an impromptu lecture on limited, after the speech finished, the teacher ratings.

"At first the students have started a speech, and I also received a paper, think no escape,woolrich parka, they bite the bullet now. My mind quickly organize stored knowledge, the final decision lectures and 'polite' related topics . "Liang Jingfeng said. She is the last stage, and just stand up and my heart began drumming up. "I am not a disgrace? I do not standard pronunciation, vocabulary is not much, is still in front of undergraduate trespass. In case a fool, and they did not put me die laughing." While students often weekdays They oral communication, English majors can face hundreds of people, Liang Jingfeng still too nervous to fly from sweating, she could not even open eyes straight ahead.

Bow is no turning back, Liang Jingfeng last bite, take a deep breath, adjust the mood and began to speak. After the speech, the teacher gave her great encouragement and praise, the students also won warm applause.

Life-long learning

Before Christmas last year, Liang Jingfeng saw a "taste of English will" hold Christmas party announcements. Christmas Day, according to instructions on the notice of her, found partying classroom, and join the interesting activities. Liang Jingfeng said that to participate in activities not only exercise their speaking skills, but also to make more friends. "Some friends of mine told me to learn a foreign language is not quite understand this thing, and there are people that I was a fool,peuterey prezzi, but I do not care how others see. Knowledge in the brain, always you, I think you can keep enough money earn, learn, too, knowledge is not enough, you have to keep learning. "Liang Jingfeng said.

Reporters found that in dorm, on narrow beds, two are placed around the bookcase, stocked with a variety of books. Small desk placed on all kinds of foreign language books and school supplies, used to mark only the knowledge of different colored pens have a dozen pieces. Free to open a book,, above all dense notes. In an empty bed, placed a bag, which is Liang Jingfeng already read the book, which also had a number of pressing administrative science book. It turned out that last October, Liang Jingfeng participated correspondence adult college entrance examination, in December the same year was admitted to Harbin Normal University, studying administrative professional.

Currently, Liang Jingfeng began a German, Portuguese,chaussures louboutin, Spanish, Italian study. Language is the door profound art, as Kuo Ting said, Liang Jingfeng brings us positive energy is not the moment emotionally follow, but a permanent reflection and insight. Long learning, studying the way, let the dream go hand in hand.

Chu Yayong Miying trainee reporter / text He Guanghui / Chart

(Editor: Li Jinfang)