security concerns

Changzhou,louboutin outlet, a new district next to recently appeared in four air-conditioned container to attract a lot of local people's attention. Reporters at the scene last night discovered that these containers are piling mobile site worker dormitories. The site where they along with container "drift" where.

Container is the boss, and he has lived for six months

Yesterday around 20:00, reporters rushed to the west of this Changzhou dragon placed four air-conditioned container site to see, this is a new site of the upcoming construction of the site in a circle around the railings, door closed yard inside a dark, very quiet, no one seems to live. But when the reporter knocked on the door, "Who?" The darkness suddenly heard a man's voice, after about two minutes, a man over Pentecost opened the gate,giubbotti moncler, he looked warily reporters,, but also its wake followed by a dog, when interviewed by reporters showed what he wanted, the man looks like a pair of great reluctance.

Into a look, and sure enough there are four containers, each container above all with air conditioning. In addition, the site also placed a lot of construction tools for piling inside Heidengxiahuo. "Some people live here?" Reporters asked curiously open man. "I am a person living here,, there is nothing to ask." The man said he was surnamed Zhao, 52 years old this year, these containers are the boss,, he has lived in containers almost six months time.

Each container, there are at least three or four beds

Open containers of home appliances under the inherent power outages can only be used - After flashlight, Zhao slowly with a reporter walked into the container where he lives, the container height and width of about two meters, seven meters long, that is, such a container which has a six-bed. "Piling when people lived here." Zhao said, in addition, there are three containers on site, where each container has three or four beds. Busy time, these containers have lived in workers. Now nothing this season, is the fear of the summer,spaccio woolrich,, even with air conditioning, hot sun or the container roasted hot, less than middle of the night, workers can not sleep. They are mainly to the site piling, pile kick after each site, they will follow the containers transferred to other sites, lifting a "home" to also convenient.

Zhao said that this year, June 13, from his home in Fujian Minhou County to work in Changzhou,louis vuitton borse, the Changzhou, he has been living in containers. Prior to August 16 this year, he is another site to see things only in the vicinity of the new site across the street, and usually also burn cook faithful helpers. August 16, he was moved to follow this new site containers, because the new site has not piling, the other fellow did not live to dry on all return back home, leaving him alone to see a person in this building tool. When he first came, these containers have electric wires from the nearby construction site take the line over. But then, because take the line to cross a road, security concerns, October 13, wire demolished, the site only because he was a man, he thought to go out to work, as long as can make money on the line, the other also not give a damn about.

The only workers left behind, said: "This is no way to work out."

Reporters on the scene, the new site has no running water, which, Zhao said the draft is 5 yuan to buy a bucket of clean water. No electricity, cooking using firewood. And on his way to buy food to go back and forth more than one hour, two days to buy one. Normally, he wanted to eat what to buy, run out of money on the cost of living to the owner points.

"We have no way of working out." Zhao said,, his wife at his home farm, and his two sons are developed in the army, the eldest son has married and has one son, saying,, Zhao also put grandson on the phone screen photos to reporters. Talking about children and grandchildren, Zhao said his son were also distressed him, worried about his health, advised him not one person out the door to work so far, "I think my body can move, I can still get some living expenses, as far as possible reduce the burden on the children. Now prices so expensive, they (his son) is not easy. "Zhao said he missed his wife, son, grandson, lay several times every week to call home. End of this year, he will return to his hometown in Fujian. As long as health permits,, these containers to where he will now go, until the body is not so far.

Subsequently, the reporter on the telephone contact boss Zhao Lin, Lin simply expressed on the phone, they do there is no way of building piling, container for easy mobility. Indeed container reason without electricity as Zhao said before, these containers have been charged,, with the recent take the line to cross the road,louboutin femme, affecting pedestrian safety, had no alternative but the wires removed. "In a few days like this site piling up will have electricity." Lin says. (Battle)