Information Times

Information Times (reporter Wei emblem correspondent Xuan Hai check) because of dissatisfaction with the custody of his father's possessions without permission grandmother,, the very fact that the suspect broke into the grandmother's house forcibly checked,ray ban, was after a dispute with their grandmother to stop,, even for the septuagenarian Grandma went out,, causing his multiple injuries and fractures palm. Recently, the family decided to pursue the very fact of criminal responsibility, Ms. Zhang has been arrested Haizhu Procuratorate.

It is reported that Ms. Zhang's father died unexpectedly, leaving no will. Because when she was still in school,nike pas cher pour homme,, so the grandmother is responsible for the custody of his father's possessions. Recently, the very fact that repeated requests to retrieve artifacts, grandmother find a variety of reasons to shirk not agree.

In December, when Ms. Zhang went to visit my grandmother and asked for his father's back phone cards, real estate license and other artifacts, grandmother alleges that lost missing phone cards.

The very fact that the long-repressed anger instantly broke, so the grandmother pulled into the room closing the door, and then the grandmother pushed to the ground, riding on her feet and wore her grandmother's chest,, and then they found the body of his pocket and bag, but also with Grandma's hand twisted right hand, and with the foot of her feet,basket nike pas cher, shouted for help until it let go of her grandmother.

Subsequently, the very fact that they rummaging in the room, found his father left houses, parking of property titles, several public certificates,christian louboutin homme, keys and some cash and other items, and then sped away.

Grandma was taken to hospital after his family found the right fifth metacarpal fracture,, right in the second and third metatarsal fracture section, the degree of damage has reached two minor injuries. Grandma hospitalized more than a week, the number of contacts through the family,, the very fact that the police and the attorney requested its apology,scarpe hogan 2015,, but the very fact that no remorse, and refused to return the cash and goods taken away.

Heartbroken after grandmother and family to discuss, the very fact of criminally prosecuted insisted. Recently, Haizhu District Procuratorate on suspicion of intentional assault, according to the law approved the arrest of the suspect Zhang.