Ma Ping finishing New Culture Network

Core Tip: Changchun 6-year-old boy at home Xiaoyu long been hosting a private nursery nearby, suddenly passed away the morning of the 16th. According to the father introduced on the 16th morning, he suddenly received a phone call from the zoo, said that Xiaoyu sudden illness, are hospital. When he rushed to the hospital, the child has passed away. It is understood that the police have been involved in the investigation.

According to Changchun City Express TV reported that 6-year-old boy Xiaoyu Changchun long been hosting a private kindergarten near home, suddenly passed away the morning of the 16th. According to the father introduced on the 16th morning, he suddenly received a phone call from the zoo, said that Xiaoyu sudden illness,, are hospital. When he rushed to the hospital, the child has passed away. It is understood that the police have been involved in the investigation. Specific reasons for the child's death, but also in order to obtain a detailed analysis by autopsy.

Xiaoyu's parents that the child began last year to kindergarten, kindergarten because there are provisions for long child care, in order to prevent children become dependent on their parents, and parents are not allowed to easily meet. So far he remembers, March 9,, he came to pay the child care fees,, only through the window and saw his son was watching TV. Unexpectedly, just over a week,nike tn pas cher, the children with their yin and yang, the two separated.

Parents insisted Xiaoyu is a healthy, lively children rarely get sick. For the children of sudden death, they have a lot of questions. But a sudden,, at that time in the hospital, they did not spare some time to ask the person in charge of the nursery,woolrich outlet,, and after that, the zoo has made no one showed up. Why the sudden onset of a child in the end? Whether what happened in kindergarten? 17 afternoon, the reporter went to the German town of intercity Building 8 this nursery. Kindergarten no obvious signs, only on the second floor balcony and window glass, posted some cartoon images and names of kindergarten. Xiaoyu's father said, kindergarten is small, the operator is a couple, hired a teacher in addition, there are about twenty children.

Reporters repeatedly knocked on the door,piumini woolrich, but there has been no response kindergarten,scarpe hogan 2015,, kindergarten to call the person in charge of the phone, was also in a hurry to hang up.

18, children will be an autopsy is expected to get more than twenty days after the autopsy report. It is understood that on the matter, the police have been involved in the investigation. Involved in the investigation of a forensic said,hogan interactive,, because after the death of one hour, the body may occur Shiban, the child saw her mother bruised foot,, does not rule out the possibility of Shiban Overall, children who do not have obvious trauma. However, the specific cause of death, but also to obtain a detailed analysis by autopsy.

Ma Ping finishing New Culture Network