reporters at the scene saw the smell

Nanfang Daily (Reporter / Xu Bobo intern / Zeng Kui) morning, Tianhe District, Pearl Village Gate Fuhua Sanxiang appear murder, a man with a knife attack, the streets will be a woman stabbed to death, and then the man injured in a suicide.

11:30 Xu,,piumini moncler,, reporters at the scene saw the smell,louboutin milano, the police have cordoned off the streets around and hang color of the cloth will be blocked off.

According to Mr. Lee introduced the informant, 9:10 Xu, the streets are washed pineapple, he saw a man took the 30-centimeter knife ran out from the alley, the woman riding a cable car pulled over. "Hear that sound woman said, 'You want to do',, it was the young man stabbed a knife to the ground, and then they were brutally stabbed several times, and then the men pick up again inserted into his stomach, That woman fell on him. "

Later,, Lee ran immediately call the police and called an ambulance,, and soon, the assailant had been rushed to hospital ambulance rescue, while the woman died on the spot.

12:00, a black funeral cars will be murdered woman's body away from the scene. After police cleaned up the scene, removed the cordon and color of the cloth, and a stop at the scene of the electric car drove away.

Guangzhou Tianhe police informed the media this afternoon: at 9:30 on October 21 Xu, Tianhe police received a public warning,, saying that in the Pearl Street Village Joe a man with a knife stabbed a woman suicide. After receiving the report, the Milky Way police quickly dispatched police to dispose of.

After investigation, the scene of a street located in the Pearl Village Joe Lane alley. After police arrived,, they found a man and a woman lying on the ground, there is blood on the ground. Police immediately assist "120" medical staff sent the man to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment. The woman was "120" medical personnel have been confirmed dead.

After preliminary investigation, the woman died (Mou, 27 years old,scarpe hogan 2015, Gaozhou people) and Zengmou (male,scarpe hogan donna, 39 years old, Guangdong spring who are still in the hospital) in the morning after breakfast at a food store in the village of beads, After the altercation dispute. Zengmou then holding a fruit knife attempted suicide after stabbing Mou. Currently,,scarpe hogan 2015, the case is still under further investigation.

(Original title: Pearl Village street, a man committed suicide after stabbing woman)