located in Dalian

These two days,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Jinhua City Bus Group are busy every driver to carry out a special training. In the drivers get training materials, as well as a dog's "systemic photos."

The dog dog named Lola, is a "girl", 6 years old this year. Its owner, is Zhang Qiaojuan Yiwu, a blind man. April 21, 2012, located in Dalian, China Zhang Qiaojuan from guide dog training base will Rolla home. Since then, Jinhua has also been the first one certified guide dog (May 17, 2012, "City of Zhejiang things" version 8 has done a detailed report).

In Yiwu,http://0453fdc.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=718935,hogan interactive, many bus drivers are aware of Rolla, therefore, it came with the car owner, basically no problem. However, a few days ago, in Jinhua, and Laura has encountered some trouble.

August 5, Zhang Qiaojuan and daughter something to trip Jinhua, Jinhua Fifth prepared from the bus station 20 The East China bus to the station, then bus back to Yiwu. As a result, the car,louboutin soldes, but it was the bus driver to stop.

According to regulations, the owner of the dog is not on a car. Plus a large roller shape, the driver even more nervous.

"I carry a certificate of disability and guide dogs permits,http://524co.tistory.com, to explain to the driver,hogan interactive, but he does not understand." said.

Later, some of the passengers on board, also joined the ranks of the roller on the bus stop,http://center.snxiaowai.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2169697&fromuid=608685, "There is a woman, directly on the car stuck in the door, do not let me on the train,http://b-sute.com/oekaki/1/bbsnote.cgi, so I do not waste our time." In the end,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad2/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=2916&res=1&page=20, not can get on the tour bus,christian louboutin homme, The East China only taxi to the station.

Later, the Evening News reporter contacted the bus driver was Huagen Xiu. "I opened the bus for 13 years,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, and have never encountered such a thing." said, "At that time, some passengers with children, they are afraid of the dog after the car, it will hurt the children. It was also do not understand, others a dog, hold in your hand do not let the car,http://www.sessya-no-nageturi.com, Why the hell she (Zhang Qiaojuan) will be able to engage in particular? "

Later, the bus company to understand the situation, the Rolla photos printed, distributed to every bus driver, and organized the training.

"On the one hand, to popularize knowledge of drivers, certified guide dogs can take the bus." Jinhua City Bus Group operates a branch staff said that after the training, but also requires every driver master have signed "Later, Laura in Jinhua can bus, and no longer being blocked. Also, hoping Evening News, told more passengers,nike tn pas cher, I hope you can understand."

Newspaper correspondent LU Xin text / photo