pale and disheveled ground attached to the face

Migrant workers Karasawa Chi's wife bleeding in the implementation of caesarean Hanshan County, Anhui safe hospital,, the hospital announced the death of an hour later, his wife "rebirth" for help, begging her husband around to kneel and kowtow to save the hospital, but doctors fleeing before Karasawa Chi ...... With 31 million compensation -

"Green Hospital" Why not bring them peace?

Today published photographs hostess left us forever and his family, sad, sorry.

In this case, though the law can only be taken in similar cases monetary compensation, but in the face of life, money can not heal the wounds of the deceased relatives in mind, the money does not make life regression,, money does not mean that an error has been corrected from To some extent, with the money to compensate for life is a tragedy.

Faced with all this, the doctor's vocational and technical skills and professional responsibility reverence for life, is to eliminate the "money for life" after the incident the key.

- Notes for Editors

Recently, Anhui migrant workers from Hanshan Karasawa Chi Ping hospital to get his wife's death compensation. July 2010, Anhui migrant workers Karasawa Peichuan Qin Zhi wife about to give birth, they returned home from working in Shanghai, Anhui Hanshan wife was admitted to the hospital safely.

In Caesarean section, the Peizhuan Qin bleeding,, the hospital does not have enough plasma, although inconsistent Karasawa blog blood with his wife, but the hospital still require their blood to save his wife, and the family was denied several requests referral.

The doctor did not consent of their families, after hysterectomy, announced that its because she died.

An hour later, Pei Zhuanqin suddenly issued a "Help me, I hurt," the cries for help.

Karasawa Chi four bowed knees begged doctors to save people, but doctors are fleeing, eventually resulting in maternal deaths.

"I put my wife sent 'the gates of hell.'"

July 12, 2010, Shanghai Railway Station.

Yangpu District in Shanghai migrant workers Karasawa Chi leaning labor upcoming second wife Pei Chuanqin embarked on a return to his hometown in Anhui Hanshan train.

At home waiting for his wife to give birth in a few days, Karasawa Chi every day to see the television broadcast of Hanshan County, play safe hospital ad: "Maternal inclusion package delivery, authoritative expert consultation, postpartum home care, exempt from all your worries ......" TV screen When the maternal smile and loud crying newborn baby, let Karasawa Chi Ping determined to send his wife to the hospital.

July 28, 2010 morning, Pei Zhuanqin abdominal pain, Karasawa Chi pick up a few simple items Hanshan peace came with his wife to the hospital. They are somewhat of a disappointment to the hospital entrance, hospital looks shabby, internal clutter, and a far cry from the advertising propaganda.

Health care workers to tell, the same day, director of obstetrics and gynecology at home because something is not coming.

Karasawa Chi decided to take his wife to go to another hospital, this time to chase out of the hospital Karasawa Chi said:. "If you do not worry, we have the authority of obstetrics and gynecology Chaohu please do Caesarean section for your wife, to ensure foolproof" President Karasawa Chi commitment to dispel concerns for his wife handled the inpatient procedures.

After what happened, Karasawa Chi is to say:

"We have just run hospital procedures, the nurse will be notified ten minutes after surgery. I was confused, so little time to put the experts invited? Wife stomach pain was getting worse, I have no time to ask, quickly helped She will promote the operating room nurse.

"A quarter of an hour after the child was born, a daughter, I asked the nurse: 'My wife okay?" The nurse did not answer, take their children to wash time is past, Chuan Qin not come out, I lie. the operating room door and looked inside, could not see anything this time, the president came out from the operating room, before I went up and asked: 'Nothing adults'? adults in any danger' Dean calmly said, I doctors and nurses looked out, heart uneasiness, kind of bad feeling, they proposed to his wife to Hanshan First People's Hospital, the president did not agree, and a mother will never again I guarantee something.

"An hour later, the president came out from the operating room, said: 'placenta previa burst the maternal womb, must be removed in order to save your life.' 'Did not you say you asked the experts for maternal surgery, the experts did not come exactly? 'Dean never speak.

"I have a friend who is a doctor,tiffany italia, they called and asked him to get an idea during a conversation, the President once again appeared in front of me: 'maternal uterus has been removed.' My phone suddenly fell to the ground, how can the hospital case without the consent of the patient's family agreed to do the surgery without permission? I was angry, anxious ...... "

After the incident, Karasawa Chi into extreme remorse,, his wife always felt that he promoted the "gates of hell."

"I scraped his head, but they do nothing about them."

12:00 the same day, from Pei Zhuanqin already two hours into the operating room. At this point,, the brother and mother raised transferred again, but the hospital believes would delay the rescue time transfers,burberry outlet milano,, refused again.

While the doctor out of the operating room for the families, said: "The patient blood did not stop, need a blood transfusion."

Karasawa Chi said: "So there is no safe hospital blood bank, before surgery did not ample supply emergency use of plasma, the doctor told us to donate blood, Qidi was very angry: 'why go before the surgery, and you put the patient's life when what?' Mother no way anxious, a Zaiquan we Renren ......

"My blood type is A,, the wife is a B-type blood, blood group incompatibility, smoked nor can I put my blood tell the nurse, the other said: 'First draw a repeat'

"13:50, fear had happened. Doctors out of the operating room, announced that his wife because she died, and then the nurse pushed her out. I saw all the blood on the bed, his wife, pale and disheveled ground attached to the face, hands and feet like asleep. mother due to withstand the blow fainted, I lie to his wife crying, do not let anyone take away his wife. family could not, had to put his wife's 'body' advance the ward. "

Pei family piercing cries alerted the entire hospital.

About an hour later, his wife's hand Karasawa Chi suddenly feeling a bit, and immediately after moving a bit, he wiped away the tears of the mother, said: "Mom, pass the piano is still alive, you see her hand for a moment." Karasawa Chi clutching his wife hand shouting: "Biography piano, you wake up, our second daughter was born, you do not leave us ......" husband shouting, and opened his eyes slightly weak Peichuan Qin said: "Ze blog, help me, I hurt. "

"! She is not dead," Karasawa Chi incoherent from the ground up to the family said: "You pass guarding the piano,hermes outlet italia, I went to the doctor."

"I rushed out of the ward, just to see a doctor: 'Doctor, my wife did not die, you quickly save her.' Monster break saw a doctor like my hand walked away I found a nurse: 'fast Dean went, my wife was not dead. 'into a ward nurse, despite how I locked the door to knock on.

"I went to the second floor from the first floor, second floor, third floor, went to see the doctor knelt on the ground begging: 'I beg you to save my wife,ray ban wayfarer prezzo, she is not dead, but also to speak ......' my head in ground knock ringing ...... I traveled all the floors of the hospital, I do not know how many doctors and nurses to kneel ...... Later, Quanyuanshangxia actually see a health care provider. I knelt in the dean's office door,, slapping the office doors, no one can help me. "

At this time, Qidi ran crying and said:. "Brother, my sister is dying," Karasawa Chi stumbled ran into the ward.

At this point, Pei Chuanqin been in a coma, wet with blood dripping straight white sheets. Karasawa Chi trembling kneeling beside his wife, said: "Biography piano, I was Ze blog, you wake up, the doctor came." Peizhuan Qin slightly moving his hands, tears streaming down his eyes down ...... This time, his wife is really gone.

The hospital paid 310,000 yuan deceased

After the death of his wife, Karasawa Chi hospital was filled with resentment and anger.

15:00 the same day, in the absence of a medical staff to come forward to explain,borse hermes outlet, Karasawa Chi stormed an office, smashing two computers and some office equipment. Avoid loud noise startled the medical staff, one by one they all run out and call 110.

At this point, Karasawa Chi finally met Dean, head down the other side did not dare look at him in the eye.

Mothers died two days later, the medical side for reasons death has not given the exact statement, nor even an apology. Hospital indifferent attitude angered Karasawa Chi's family, they sit quietly banners in front of the hospital.

July 30, 2010, a local leader to come forward, will represent Karasawa Chi and hospitals brought together to discuss specific solutions.

Hospital excuse, day hospital for emergency treatment of confirm their vital signs disappeared before announcing his death, the patient "back from the dead" is an illusion produced by the patient's family grieved over.

August 1, 2010, hospitals and Karasawa Chi Ping second negotiation. The hospital said in this accident, the hospital is willing to take some responsibility, agreed to pay the deceased's family 270,000 yuan.

After the incident, I interviewed the hospital's medical staff but was refused. An unnamed doctor said: "We are not doctors refused to help, but doctors belonging to different departments, if what had happened, who bear the responsibility."

August 6, 2010, under the premise of not applying for Medical Malpractice Committee and the responsibility to identify the cause of death, in the town government witness Hanshan peak ring ring Hanshan peak mediation and legal services of the town, Karasawa Chi and hospital Pei Chuanqin agreement regarding compensation for death: July 28, 2010, the applicant's relatives Peichuan Qin (female 29 years old) in production by the applicant at the maternal hemorrhagic shock symptoms in Cesarean process, after she died, the two sides To this end produce medical disputes.

Without the application of medical technology appraisal committee and the responsibility to identify the cause of death, death compensation issue through mediation Peizhuan Qin consensual agreement as follows:

By the applicant (hospital) compensate the applicant (due Peichuan Qin death) all losses totaling Sanshi One Million.

After the two sides reached a compensation agreement, the applicant no longer be prosecuted because of property damage is the applicant for compensation and other liabilities.

After the agreement is signed, the aftermath responsibility of the applicant.

The dispute for the end of the mediation, the parties and their relatives in the future may no longer find each other in the matter as an excuse to make trouble.

Recently, the hospital has been the loss of 310,000 yuan compensation payment is completed. Zhang Ying