because the other party can always catch fish

Morning News (Reporter He Xin) had only two sets of people who know each other and sit together to play "fishing" game, because the other party can always catch fish, and their junior partner lost a lot of money, in order to give small partners outlet, Chen root and white snow with the winner melee,, during which the person killed the other one. Recently, the Beijing Intermediate Court for the crime of intentional injury sentenced Chen root and white as snow.

"Fishing" game triggered murder

Chen root and white snow are only 22 years old this year, early this year, Inner Mongolia,hermes outlet online, home to just go over the white snow in Beijing cousin, ready to open a car wash in their work. The evening of April 20 this year,, the two cousins went to the Changping District, accompanied by a video City Gulou South Street, playing games. They do not play, only to see him standing behind cousin play called "fishing" game. On the other side,, there are two men ride on the same machine,, "fishing", two sets of people sitting face to face, without disturbing each other. But in the course of the game,burberry outlet milano, Chen root to see each other two people are always able to "catch the big fish,air jordan femme pas cher," while cousin was always grasp, began to worry. According to Chen root after appearing in court testimony,louis vuitton outlet italia, the cousin of a night on the fishing machine lose 6,000 yuan, to the last cousin got a little angry, cursed, then the other man did not speak, only stared at cousin, and then went to check out the bar.

Seeing each other arrogantly leave, Chen root and white as snow intended for export gas cousins, they decided to chase out lessons about each other. Followed by the other two out of the gaming city,, resulting dispute gaming city street and started the melee,, in the melee during root Chen pulled a knife from his trouser Daozha to each other in. Seeing each other covered in blood, Chen roots duo quickly fled the scene. Later identified,scarpe hogan 2015, were slashed a man high line was punctured heart, inferior vena cava caused by acute hemorrhagic shock and death.

Surrendered the initiative to get understanding

Chen root and white snow after leaving the scene, by phone to tell his own cousin and hurtful things to fight, then give two cousins do ideological work, and took two of the initiative to the police station to surrender. After the incident, the white snow of the family of the deceased family members were active compensation, obtain an understanding of victims relatives.

City Court held that the defendant Chen root, white as snow intentional injury victims common body,, causing one death, two acts of the defendant have been intentional assault, punishable by law. Given the defendant Chen root, white as snow could after the incident, surrendered voluntarily to the public security organs, and can be a true account of facts of the crime, Department of surrender; defendant white snow with the help of relatives and can actively compensate the relatives of victims of the economic loss, settlement agreement reached with the relatives of victims, relatives of victims to obtain understanding, it can be the root of the accused Chen were lighter punishment according to law,, the defendant white as snow mitigated punishment according to law.

Ultimately, the court sentenced the defendant to the crime of intentional injury Chen root 15 years imprisonment and sentenced the defendant to eight years in prison white as snow.