this mother and daughter met in court.

Zhejiang Online News November 21,

This account is not held hostage to my daughter, and wife disagree divorce court recently let his daughter be returned with interest down payment to buy the marriage room, a series of incredible Hangzhou Aunt Lee's move only one purpose: determined not to allow his daughter to find a divorced, no room for outsiders to do son.

Aunt Lee said that if her daughter to find a good match, she would Fengfengguangguang wedding for his daughter, but her daughter-in-law in the field looking very humiliated her in front of friends and family.

However, the daughter and her boyfriend deep feelings interfere with his own mother Liu Ling believes freedom of marriage, did refuse to compromise. Recently, this mother and daughter met in court.

Daughter to marry foreign men, mother resolutely opposed

Liu Ling 32-year-old, looks handsome, quiet, she and her parents are native of Hangzhou. After graduation, Liu Ling admitted to the civil service, the past few years,, Liu Ling excellent work, becoming middle management units. As a reserve cadres, promising future. These achievements daughter, Aunt Lee was very proud.

Two years ago, at a gathering of friends,air max outlet, a boyfriend Bing Liu Ling know now. When two Chuxiang Shi, Li Bing have their own families. Later, Li Bing divorced, he and Liu Ling together. At first,tiffany roma, all of this, Liu Ling's parents are unaware of.

June and July of this year, Liu Ling Bing to find the parents to discuss with the registration of marriage. At this time, Liu Ling's parents did not know her boyfriend talked about things. For her daughter to marry Bing, Aunt Lee is firmly opposed, "the field,, no house in Hangzhou, also divorced, told people that her daughter-in-law found a so humiliating!" Aunt Lee said, in her eyes, her daughter has been very good, from an early age to be a compliment, successfully admitted to the civil service after graduating from prestigious universities, and Bing is not a native of Hangzhou (Note: Bing from Shaoxing rural), read an ordinary university, is engaged in design work, is not very stable graduated from the University of so many years,, even a house in Hangzhou are not.

To prevent her daughter married, she and her husband divorced

Although the event was his mother's marriage opposition, but Liu Ling's decided to get his father's support. Liu Ling's father said his daughter has grown, she has the right to choose and decide their own marriage and happiness.

See his wife standing in her side, Aunt Lee is angry, anxious. She and her husband quarrel marriage for her daughter every day. Finally, the old couple years that end divorced.

September 30 this year, Liu Ling marriage autonomy by his mother to find interference by the court mediation room Riverside District Judge Zhu Xuejun request mediation.

In mediation, Liu Ling said her parents account all together,, in September this year, ready to register the marriage with her boyfriend, mothers are not satisfied with the condition of their boyfriend refused to hand over the account of this, they can not lead to marriage.

Back in 2009, Liu Ling Liu Ling parents lent 330,000 yuan as a down payment to buy a wedding room. Aunt Lee said she always wanted to find a good match for her daughter-in-law,louboutin femme, married Fengfengguangguang.

Mediation, Aunt Lee proposed and Bing daughter must marry her account and her father moved out together, then buy the marriage room to be 330,000 yuan down payment with interest all at once returned, she raised the daughter so many years, how to repay her future daughter also promised down.

Hear my mother, Liu Ling is very sad. She said that is a legal obligation to support parents of children, her mother would certainly do the maintenance responsibility. But now the account of this in the hands of his mother,, in addition to the registration of marriage can not and her boyfriend outside the mother returned to the purchase of the first payment is also due account of this can not apply for loans. Because Liu Ling suddenly could not get so much money to be returned Aunt Lee, when mediation failed.

Mom told daughter to beg for marriage room first payment

October 25 this year, Liu Ling Lee aunt paper petition to court her daughter,, she asked her daughter to return 330,000 yuan to buy a house down payment, plus 46,530 yuan interest (interest calculation period from November 6, 2009 to 2011 11 March 5), after each overdue day pay a day plus interest.

November 18 afternoon, the case in the Court of Riverside District III court public hearing. Aunt Liu Ling and Lee are not a lawyer, to see someone to sit in, the mother and daughter are very excited mood. Before the formal hearing, the judge Zhu Xuejun mediate between the parties.

Aunt Lee said her daughter and Bing are not optimistic about the marriage, and all he has done is good for her daughter, she had only one daughter. If Liu Ling willing to go back and find a perfect match for people to marry,hogan outlet 2015, she will definitely time to give his daughter in marriage Fengfengguangguang.

"Marriage is my own choice, I will be responsible for their actions." Liu Ling mother do not want to interfere with the autonomy of their marriage, she said that the purchase of the first payment will certainly be returned to the mother.

Because Aunt Lee still insisted on the return of his daughter Liu Ling-time home buyers down payment and interest, pre-trial mediation fail. Liu Ling lawsuit is awful then put his family, and therefore do not want to affect the work, does not require a public hearing.

However, in the end, the two sides reached a settlement, the mother agreed to give Liu Ling account of this, however,louis vuitton outlet online italia,, Liu Ling was at the end of January 2012 and the end of June to purchase twice the first payment plus interest paid 370,000 yuan.