nor is it a criminal offense

□ reporter Gu Wu China correspondent Zhao Zhenheng Ventura

Read Tip a friend money urgently, to scrape together $ 200,000 to a friend, did not want to after a few months, find a friend to collect debts, the other suddenly torn away after IOU swallow. There is no evidence that the loud noise debt collection? September 17, Puyang Ms. Wang told reporters talk to their own experiences.

IOU tore away about the debtor to swallow

Wang recalled,outlet woolrich cadriano, early August, she was looking for Zhang debt collection. The other party clearly told her to come to her on August 14. August 14 afternoon, when Ms. Wang went only to find,moncler bea, Zhang did not immediately pay back the money meant. "So we were a little altercation took place, when she suddenly put IOU from my hands to rip away, I quickly want to recapture, but she was stuffed into his mouth and ate it." Wang told Reporter. Speaking of her two acquaintances, Wang said: "When the time was playing cards in a mahjong know, that this man became pretty good friends, and it has been a long time, she herself drove a mahjong also do other business,, it is that she has the ability to pay back the money, and promised a monthly interest points, before agreeing to lend her the money. "

Since the IOU was torn, Zhang no longer pick her phone, his residence is also empty. Today,, Ms. Wang's hands were only two copies of 10 million promissory note (the picture shows one of them), there is still a telephone recording, recording Zhang admitted to borrow money issue,borsa gucci prezzo, as to when to pay back the money but did not clear answer.

The police belong to debt disputes, can not be placed on file

According to the telephone number provided reporters tried to contact Ms. Wang,, Zhang, but suggested that the phone is not connected, the residence and no one.

Zhang swallow IOU in the afternoon, Ms. Wang dialed 110,moncler urville,, but police have not filed the final. Reporters interviewed the then Ge, deputy director of the police in Puyang City Public Security Bureau of Daqing Branch, Ge, deputy director, said at the time the police have been out of the police, but also the transfer of the relevant surveillance video,, but considering it is neither a security cases,, nor is it a criminal offense, So public security can not be placed on file, the event itself is both debt disputes, such as the need for police channels through litigation support, public security will come forward to help.

Lawyers IOU standardization is important for the protection of their own

In this regard, the reporter consulted Puyang senior counsel, Mr. Ho, ho lawyer told reporters that if Zhang fictional facts, do not pay back the money to destroy malicious IOUs,, the behavior alleged fraud, the public security should be a criminal investigation. Another senior lawyer Geng said that there is evidence to prove that the debtor can not have criminal intent, blame the police for not filing, Wang can borrow money from each other circumstantial evidence collected by the court's way to protect their own interests.

The two lawyers said,cappello woolrich, from a copy of the promissory note,, the most important basis for the two sides to borrow money writing is very simple, no press fingerprints, no witnesses, and it also gives you reminder, IOU to protect the interests of creditors of standardization is very important.

Today, Ms. Wang was still rushing for that matter, that there are 200,000 yuan Wang borrowed money to others, to beg for her friend's face also helpless.