show repentance

BEIJING, May 16 in Guangzhou Power (Cable promising Chang Yung) to escape a huge gambling debt, Heyuan City, Guangdong killed a hobo village instruments faked suicide. Heyuan City Intermediate People's disclosure on the 16th, the hospital a few days ago on the case of first instance verdict to manslaughter and sentenced the defendant Wen Songqing to death, suspended for two years, and the defendant Wen Songqing commutation limit.

Wen Songqing originally Zijin County,woolrich borse, Guangdong Province, Waterloo Village village Longwo Town instruments. Since February 2012, owed a huge debt because of gambling, they create their own pseudo-initiation suicide to kill others in order to escape the scene of the idea of debt. Wen Songqing enlisted a dragon lives in the town of Waterloo Village,, Zijin County Qin Yu Xuan street tramp Liangguo field (name, identity can not find out), because with their body shape is similar to the person they selected for their avatars.

June 8,, 2012 17 am, Wen Songqing to Longwo town Jianhua Huang repair shop to his nephew-in-law built a borrowed van Wuling gray day 22 am, the driver of the van to Longwo town piano Village Hsuan Preserved roadside field,sito ufficiale outlet moncler, to introduce the work got cheated by the tramp, loaded into town Longwo mountain village of brick bread fruit farm team, let tramp stay in the car to sleep. Wen Songqing bring previously bought two plastic buckets to Longwo Town Fung gas station to buy gasoline on the bread mountain fork. June 9 morning, poured gasoline into the van and cab door end, and with a lighter and set fire to the car, put a pre-mounted ready for their home and car keys, driver's license,, ID card, wallet and There is a book in the self "testament" notebook plastic bags,, hanging on a tree about 10 meters away from the car side of the road, creating the illusion of suicide, then fled. June 10,, 9 am, Longwo villagers found burned van,scarpe prada outlet, car charred bodies suspected,woolrich online outlet, then report. September 10, in Huizhou City, was arrested.

The forensic identification, unknown name (homeless men) corpse body multiple skin burns and tissue loss caused by the Department of firearms,gucci offerte, in line burned alive. After DNA tests confirmed that the bodies of his father and found at the crime scene did not own relationship.

The court held that, innocent victims killed in the course of committing the crime with particular cruelty crime, the circumstances are especially bad, it should be punishable by law. Given the identity of the victim in this case is unclear,, after justice can truthfully confessed crimes, show repentance,, sentenced to death, suspended for two years,, and limit commutation. (End)

(Original title: To avoid huge gambling kill a hobo village as a substitute instrument Pipansihuan)