the Press and Publication Administration of Radio

10 domestic institutions and 10 animation movies recently aired agency initiatives: not produced and broadcast cartoons contain violence, vulgar and dangerous plot,hogan costo, uncivilized language cartoon should carry forward the good and the beautiful, the ugly evil fake lashes, focusing on positive demonstration plot , to guide the minors to form the correct moral cognition and behavior.

Post reporter Zang Jing Wei Ming Chu

Yesterday, 10 domestic institutions and 10 animation movies broadcasters initiative recently, no production and broadcasting cartoons contain violence, vulgar and dangerous plot, uncivilized language, and ensure the cartoons played in a positive and healthy growth of minors The leading role. "Pleasant" and "bear-infested" cartoon series and therefore the ongoing overhaul.

In August this year, this newspaper has for the cartoon "Boonie Bears' content classification system triggered controversy appealed been reported.

Graphic violence for parents worried

Domestic original TV cartoon series "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" by Guangdong Culture Communication Co., Ltd. produced the original power. Since the launch in June 2005,outlet borse gucci, the highest ratings had reached 17.3 percent, much higher than at the same time outside the cartoon segment aired. In addition, the film in China, Hong Kong, China Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions all the rage.

However, the main anxiety is the parents' Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf "graphic violence occur frequently in children easily imitate. In May this year, Donghai County, Jiangsu Province, Li Hao Ran children, Lee and Lee brothers will playmate "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" producer - CPE Culture Communication Co., Ltd. to court, said in imitation of the cartoon "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf "The story was burned when playing games. Donghai County, Jiangsu Province, People's Court in June 2013 formally accepted it from the personal injury compensation disputes.

"In the cartoon" Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf "Complete Works, the Wolf is a pan smashed over 9544 times, was arrested over 1380 times, was cooked 839 times, was electric over 1755 times ......" During the trial investigation stage, the prosecution will a 170 Set "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" cartoon violence by children to imitate dangerous shots, made five minutes of the movie, played on the court, caused no small shock.

Coincidentally,, the same make parents more to worry about as well as children at home "chase drama" see "Boonie Bears."

Some parents have questioned the cartoon 10 minutes, there are 21 swearing.

Talk about "Boonie Bears" Shanghai people DING immediately frowned: "Although there are so little funny plot, but this cartoon and" Ultraman. "Direct intensified violence son," Ms. Ding said she son in kindergarten yet, but "Boonie Bears" is the favorite son of the mouth are often talking about "big bear", "bears two" two cartoon heroes, all day long clamored for the "monster", still require the mall to buy film characters "Bald strong" gun, sweaters and other props.

In addition to holding "Boonie Bears" film "Bald strong" gun, after the kids have loved waving concept "Bald strong" with a chainsaw logging toys. Some parents said the children in the class have a child it is obsessed with this cartoon, every day with that toy chainsaw to kindergarten.

Netizen "young women do not fly" in micro-Bo asked: "I can not stand all kinds ah, do not understand why this film fire inside the 'bald strong' all day shouting 'smelly bear, I want hacked You ', holding a chainsaw wielding everywhere. store also sells various kinds of baby ax, chainsaw, hats and other "Boonie Bears' violence products."

Adhere to the tenets of responsible child

According to the Xinhua News Agency reported yesterday, issued this written proposal, including CCTV and Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangdong, Tianjin,piumini online moncler, Zhejiang, Fujian, eight provincial television or children's cartoon channel, and CCTV Animation, Beijing gifted young culture, Wash rice Shanghai, Shenzhen Huaqiang, original power of Guangdong, Guangzhou and other 10 Austrian flying animation agency.

Proposal put forward, should promote the good and the beautiful animation, flogging fake ugly evil, actively promote social ethics, family virtues and individual morality, egoism consciously resist money worship, hedonism,, and resolutely prevent feudal superstition,, pseudo-science,, harmful thoughts and bad habits erosion harmful to minors. Cartoon should focus on positive demonstration plot, in order to guide the minors to form the correct moral cognition and behavior.

Proposal made to avoid the cartoon violence,sconti moncler, gore, horror, vulgar, pornographic plot and screen to avoid attacks likely to be imitated by children, injury, self-mutilation, abuse, crime and other behavior to avoid the plot will appear in the animation daily necessities for dangerous purposes. Consciously safeguard the motherland and purity of normative language, the use of foul language is not in the cartoon, swearing and insulting language.

Proposal made to adhere to the child responsible tribute to the art of creed, never let mediocre inferior animation screen appears on the screen. Animation production and broadcasting organizations to respect the laws of art, maintaining market order, according Lunjia animated television purchase, normal trading, making institutions to pay copyright fees shall not charge fees to broadcast production facilities.

It is reported that recently the masses for individual cartoon dangerous plot and uncivilized language problems, the original power of Guangdong Culture Communication Company, Shenzhen Huaqiang Digital Animation Co., Ltd. has begun "Pleasant" and "bear-infested" series overall changes, modified sending broadcast cartoons prevent minors misleading.

According to another report, the Press and Publication Administration of Radio, will be introduced during the year, "domestic television cartoon content standards", made strictly in terms of violence,, vulgar and dangerous plot and uncivil language.

Animation agencies: strengthen self-examination

Animation agency Shanghai wash rice company official said yesterday that the initiative co-sponsored by the company and the Press and Publication Administration of Radio,, TV unit and a number of animation unit.

Prior to the animation usually prescribe review mechanism, namely the Press and Publication Administration of Radio and the provinces (municipalities) Radio and other departments in charge of the review,cadriano woolrich, approval,, and review before sowing broadcast television stations and other agencies. "We want to add a review that all animation institutions of self-censorship, checks,, so that their products become assured products become social, useful products for young people." Taomi public relations official said.

(Original title: "Pleasant" "Boonie Bears" is a comprehensive revision)