the police has no basis for filing.

Newspaper Haikou, February 29 (Reporter Chen photo coverage) a 13-year-old junior middle school students, not only because of indulging networks abandoned their studies, and repeatedly stole money from home and robbed students belongings. February 29 morning, the parents of Wu to the newspaper for help, his son had run away from home more than a month, the face of hiding son, Wu both sad and helpless. "Who can help us save the children psychologically ?."

Son astray

For Father "severing"

Wu told reporters that he was born in rural areas in Haikou Lantian Road currently doing small business, the knee had two sons, although the business is not yet fully able to solve the problem of food and clothing for the whole family. Wu said he was more than a decade trying to make money day and night,louboutin chaussures christianlouboutin ballerines louboutin, in order to allow his son to have a better school environment, to be a man of promise in the future. But let him puzzling is that the younger son has embarked on a phase and he expects apostasy Chi crooked road.

According to reports, Wu's youngest son named Ogawa (a pseudonym), there are two months to over 14 years of age, enrolled in Haikou City, the tenth year of high school started. The past two years, Wu found Ogawa increasingly rebellious,prezzo woolrich parka, not only addicted to online games,, and even the school is not willing to go. Leaving family members angry that Ogawa often take advantage of people not prepared to go out from the house to steal money to spend, the amount ranging from tens of dollars to several hundred dollars. Just before the Spring Festival this year, Ogawa stole 2,000 yuan from home after running away from home, has not returned home. Wu many times to ask Ogawa school classmate, but have no clue. In desperation, Wu only query son understand the computer via the Internet traces friend. From Ogawa landing QQ address this month at sea territory of more than frequent Internet cafes, these days have hid liberated West area.

Wu also told reporters, from the junior high school years, and a number of Ogawa often teenagers to rob students drop out of school property. In this regard,, Wu after repeated ideological work resolutely to the police station after the son of robbery cases reflect pupils and request "to arrest his son," the. But police station that because Ogawa also under 14 years of age, with no reported cases of primary victim, the police has no basis for filing.

Parents lament:

Dating is the main reason for poor

Wu and his wife in view, Ogawa from small to large is a very smart and diligent boy, learning new things is always better than their peers to be quickly mastered. What are the reasons that make Ogawa case? Wu recalled, Ogawa is the beginning of the contact from the fifth grade and frequent access to the Internet, and it is from that time began to steal money from home. Wu has more than once on Ogawa said, "You told us that you need money, you have to the Internet we are not allowed to, but to control the time, "but this Ogawa always ignored.

Wu gave reporters a Ogawa student handbook, the reporter noted, from the primary school, which served as the teacher to evaluate his mostly "smart,, hard-working, but do not comply with classroom discipline, more introverted." Ogawa also self-evaluation and also wrote a column such as "grateful for a good teacher," "to correct the shortcomings,," like a very sensible words. "In fact, this child is not a bad heart, is still young and naive, and not listen to the words of his family, "Wu says with exasperation, Ogawa began to realize from the sixth grade age children drop out after a few,foulard prada, have been regarded as" brothers ", hiding all day with these people, do not listen to the words of his family, to rob students also follow these people to go.

Psychological experts:

Suggests that parents Care

Reporters learned from the Haikou Municipal tenth high school, although in the past one semester Ogawa unsatisfactory performance in school, but the school did not give him respect. Ogawa homeroom teacher Mo expressed the hope that the school in accordance with the requirements of Ogawa complete winter operations, to report back to school as soon as possible, and to comply with school discipline. "Ogawa This child is very smart, has great room for improvement, I hope he soon returned to classes in the past."

In the afternoon,escarpin pigalle louboutin, the reporter interviewed the Secretary-General Ogawa Provincial Association of counselors, counselors Existence of national secondary teacher. He said parents should not be Ogawa runaways simply understood as "Internet addiction" problem. Ogawa appeared robbery pupils property, has caused harm to the social order, the psychological problems in the industry also belong to a very serious situation. In this regard, Mr. Yao believes that parents should not blindly child "drop" attributed to children who would be the first to find the problem himself. Children do not normally appear,, in large part because the family environment or school environment caused. For Wu confusion, Yao teacher suggested that parents should Care to think what a child might be thinking now. Thinking of family relationship is harmonious? Where to hurt yourself if the child? Where to children caused by the pressure? Once found the problem from their own, and then open mind to accept the child, to forgive all the mistakes committed in the children, let the children feel the warmth of the family home, and then slowly communication,, slowly let the children to re-establish life. "Parents do not want to impose their will on the children, and do not rely on violence to solve problems, communicate looking for sympathy is the best choice." Mr. Yao said.

If you see Ogawa,,hogan tod s outlet hogan bambino le hogan, or to help provide Ogawa have any good suggestions,, you can call our hotline 66810862 and parents Wu contact.