if not particularly urgent blood

Yesterday, two suspected illegal organization selling blood defendant was brought to court. Our reporter Wang Guibin photo
WASHINGTON use of migrant workers eager to make money, eager to treat mental patients, long entrenched in a hospital near the West Fourth Ring Road in front of the organization to buy low-cost blood, high blood selling yesterday, a bloody gang of five members of the suspected traffickers of illegal organizations blood selling crime in the Haidian court for trial.
Cases culprits are still at large
Yesterday continuous trial of the two cases are part of an illegal organization to sell murder, two cases involving five defendants have been nicknamed "Brother," the fugitives organizations are active in the same hospital. Because they are and "Brother" single contact, not associated with each other, prosecutors indicted the two cases separately.
According to the prosecution allegations, between August 2011, Zhang Liang, Ding Jiang, Xie Squibb, Chen Xiong Yan, etc. together with "Brother" (at large) and others who sell blood contact through the network,site louboutin, etc., and allow people to sell blood posing with Blood relatives of patients in the hospital organization to sell blood. Five defendants total selling blood three times.
Five defendants have no objection to the content of the allegations, but stressed that he was just to make money.
"One-stop" organization selling blood
Five defendants said they began in the QQ group, 58 with the urban network or Liuliqiao labor market looking for work, was "brother" and found occupation. After that, they look for people who want to sell blood through these channels, to the hospital.
According to Zhang Liang said, at the beginning, "brother," Let him go to the hospital door business cards, business cards printed with a name and a phone call, he went to the hospital door, the door to find a queue to donate blood transfusion department patients relatives handed him a business card found after . Ding Jiang,http://636569.com/viewthread.php?tid=145224&extra=page%3D1&frombbs=1, Xie Squibb's testimony revealed that they were responsible for Zhang Liang pull customers to the Blood Transfusion, and then help them fill out a form, queuing, the formalities. Zhang Liang said there are some "brother" to bring people responsible for watching wherever he goes, prevention of blood donors with others at the same time, "then more wrong."
Patients were asked to remember the name of selling blood
23-year-old man Jo donation testified that he was looking for a job fair online posting of this gang were found. After he finished his post, a strange man on the phone said you can donate money to a regular hospital, then to a nearby hospital about, and later changed to bring it to another man transfusion department, and finally directed by another man Its handle a full range of procedures.
Jo said the waiting period, he was reminded: "There was asked up, say that they are friends." According to Zhang Liang confession,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, in order to prevent being seen through the hospital, they also remind people to donate blood memorizing names and characters, such as the relationship between the patient.
According to the defendant's confession, usually every offer to 400cc of blood donors ranging from 350 yuan to 400 yuan,http://weixinserver.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=204157, blood mongers who, according to their division can get 30 yuan, 50 yuan, ranging from pumping into,http://www.88dy.us/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=272092, and the "blood heads" and the patient's family to talk about the price generally 1500-2000 yuan.
Prosecutors recommend sentencing five
"The first day brother gave me two hundred, the next day to give me one hundred, so much,http://forum.debatarian.com/viewtopic.php?pid=3228026#p3228026, something went wrong." The last trial,air max 2006, Zhang Liang said he choked offense did not know before, I urge the judge to give a chance. The only one invited party counsel also said it played the role in the implementation of a specific act is to assist a minor role,http://oshosatori.ru/en, but the people who sold blood contact, is an accomplice, should be given a lighter punishment.
In this regard, the prosecutor said the defendant in the case, although each division, and often single-line and "brother" to contact each bear a small amount of work, but each of them throughout the criminal process is an indispensable part, so in this case should distinguish between the main accomplice.
Prosecutors believe that five defendants constitute the crime of illegally organizing others to sell blood, according to China's criminal law shall be five years imprisonment, but urge the court to consider whether their respective recidivist, pleaded guilty and other circumstances at the time of sentencing.
■ visit
Organizers promised two hours of transfusion
Family members of patients, said the use of the blood bank blood need to wait
2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the incident the hospital, waiting in line in front of the hospital transfusion department staff has reached several meters. According to the hospital with normal procedures, mutual aid among relatives and friends to donate blood to go through filling, testing blood, blood, blood transfusion stamp in the application form, the list returned to the ward to the doctor, so the queue to donate blood relatives of patients are holding hands a pile of forms.
One patient queuing relatives said that although the queue, but also more convenient than buying in the hospital blood bank blood. Because it is not immediate surgery,site officiel louboutin, the use of blood bank blood will have to wait, surgery may also be pushed back.
Next to the team, several Northeast accent speaking man who from time to time to line up a form, or leave a phone. One of the self-proclaimed "big tongue," said the man surnamed Wang,http://ra2.net.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=92318, who are looking for someone from the outside to the hospital to donate blood, the hospital is the only formal review to see if friends, and so on to get the list of blood donors prove losers, the patient can be showed the doctor asked transfusion, "We can also help line up to catch in front of the hospital to work on blood transfusion, 400cc sell 2000 yuan, to ensure you can run two hours, so you lose the blood."
It is understood that the hospital blood bank blood are generally quantitative,louboutin escarpin pas cher, if not particularly urgent blood, and their families want to advance surgery hospitals generally would advise family members to donate blood center in exchange for the same amount of blood.
Another patient's family, said her family has a lot of old people, "While buying your blood in hepatobiliary surgery department wants, to go through normal channels, such as hospital blood people than formal channels, but money can solve the matter, than the families to Beijing to be cost-effective. "
■ said the case
Non-uniform blood loopholes
Prosecutors said the relatives asked the hospital to identify the donor is difficult
According to prosecutors introduced last year, Haidian public security organs investigated were six such cases, involving more than a dozen defendants, the way they are used, one is an illegal organization selling blood person in the patient's family, led officers to the hospital to sell blood transfusion department, posing the patient's family or friends mutual donation; another way is an illegal organization selling blood directly to the patient information to inform staff who sell blood, selling blood transfusion department officers to go to the hospital to donate blood were mutual. After the donation is complete, on-line officers to receive "commission" directly to the patient or the patient's family.
According to reports, the main reason for the occurrence of these cases are not like other hospitals, like hospitals require the donor to the Beijing Blood Center unified collection, although the original intention of this initiative is to facilitate a large number of patients the hospital for medical treatment every day, but also let criminals drill the vulnerability. However, the prosecution also believes that the incident of the hospital has done to check to verify the identity of blood donors, blood tests and other quality obligation,http://yx.xshouhui.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, to sell blood and then asking them to identify patients who were mutual donation and whether the family members and friends, etc. really difficult.
To this end, the hospital security office to the judiciary issued a written material, said "Recently, near my hospital transfusion department often have some social idlers in mutual donation in the name of the organization unlawful to sell blood, hope the public security organs to crack down process" .
■ experts say
Mutual donation should be strictly
Yesterday, Professor of Criminal Justice Sciences, China University of Political Science Xu Lanting that "criminal law" setting an illegal blood selling crime organization is considering selling blood to the tissue acts harmful to society, such acts are seriously disrupted social order, but also endanger health clinical blood safety.
Xu Lanting said mutual donation also need blood for testing, but because "selling blood" who often do not fill out the "health consultation table" when blood donation,sneakers donna hogan hogan vendita on line hogan sconto, so he offered the blood might endanger the patient's health.
Beijing Academy of Social Sciences Sociology Research Associate Tao Lei that, according to "People's Republic of China Blood Donation Law" stipulates that China's implementation of voluntary blood donation system, does not allow the sale of blood, in reality, do have patients in need of blood, but hard to find in the case of blood .
He said that the sale of blood phenomenon appears inseparable from the "blood shortage" in the background, to deal with this phenomenon, in addition to publicity through the media, regulators also need to establish a unified collection point, these illegal organizations to cut staff from the source The blood flows into the formal system.
He also suggested that part of the hospital in mutual donation should strictly from the program, but in time to the police, the judiciary reflects the suspicious circumstances, as far as possible to avoid such situations.
Organization selling blood Steps
In hospitals need to contact the patient or the patient's family blood, agreed Yong Xueliang, blood, blood time and collect the "commission" According to Yong Xueliang
Looking to sell blood personnel to the hospital after the agreed price, while the development of the assembly line, expanding organization selling blood staff
When selling blood, as well as the person responsible for the organization to lead the way in the hospital, receiving blood donation information card, lookout to prevent competition for blood
Edition have written / reporter Zhang Yuan
Blood was caught trafficking illegal organization selling blood profitable per thousand Yuan
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