Nanshan District

A total of 12 people made counterfeit gang arraigned yesterday. Nanfang Daily reporter Sushi Day photo
Nanfang Daily (Reporter / Maxi Sheng correspondent / Du Xinchun) a 14-man gang half inherent Buddha Wando two forged 5.34 million yuan of counterfeit money,, the case yesterday in Dongguan Intermediate People's Court hearing, the trial opened Buddha Wando two massive counterfeit manufacturing teams and meticulous division of labor, the current owner of these two cases are not brought to justice behind.
Counterfeiting huge contingent
Arraigned yesterday counterfeiting gang trial a total of 12 people, respectively, accounting for some east and Adelaide (not yet been brought to justice) a close relationship between the two gangs, the two were accused of leading manufacturers 10 yuan face value of counterfeit money.
Counterfeit money from a piece of paper to the finished product, to go through the printed film, watermarks, metal wire,, counterfeit patterns, tactile and tailoring six steps.
Division about the process as follows: Shenzhen, bald guy with real film making counterfeit currency, after accounting for a film made in the east to the White Tangxia printed watermark (this technology is provided by the big boss Xiaomou red (not yet brought to justice)), and put metal money, and then transported to the Shatin Adelaide finishing pattern printed on the counterfeit money,le nuove air max, and sent back to the East accounted for a complete tactile and crop production, a counterfeit is baked.
East accounting for certain that he was robbed in 2006, Nanshan District,, Shenzhen, was sentenced to three years imprisonment for his former boss gave Xiaomou red counterfeiting work, so the first time after his release he went to the boss, so he outsourced part of the business. After accounting for a red east from Xiaomou get counterfeiting watermark version, and the purchase of a group of ordinary printing, October 3,espadrilles louboutin louboutin shoes chaussures femme louboutin pas cher,, 2009 in Tangxia rented a production dens.
This accounts for a group of East started October 3, 17,, was the end nest, which just 14 days time, he asked his brother, including accounting, including four in a martial coolie, completed the first batch of a total nominal value of 2 yuan 10 yuan counterfeit production.
Adelaide also nonstop Shatin, nearly half of the time stamp of the face value of 400,000 yuan counterfeit money,costo nike air max, to the east of a post-Tangxia accounted tactile and tailoring treatment. Adelaide surrounded by a man named Xie Moujiang,, he was responsible for people on both sides to provide printing machines and paint, his brother in law Zhu Moujian responsible for machine maintenance.
After business development, accounting for some East Tangxia printing dens feel small,maglie chanel, but there do not want to send White to Guangzhou, Dongguan, thus accounting for a look on the east Foshan a manufacturing counterfeit agreed to help by printing part of the counterfeit watermarks. Can also be seen from the other business,, accounting for a close relationship between the East and Foshan counterfeit gang from Foshan shipped 25 boxes of counterfeit white this period, accounting for some East was arrested the same day, was found a total of 16 boxes printed 3.2 million yuan denomination counterfeit watermarks.
East accounted for a court to say Chang also a chieftain named Ada counterfeit money, he also outsource some business to account for certain East, accounting confessed he was arrested the same day address, but the public security organs found empty.
Trial evidence of the survey, representing a two east and Adelaide behind boss called Xiaomou red, the public security organs at the same time, the two operations in Dongguan Buddha Xiaomou gone into hiding on the red, has not brought to justice.
A 10 yuan counterfeit money in labor costs nearly 1 yuan
From the account of a coolie east and several confessions about a counterfeit draw labor costs do not exceed $ 1.
East accounted for a watermark contracting business, the boss gave him the commission Xiaomou red is a 2 cents, tactile and tailoring a commission of 2 cents a corner, representing the East also revealed a pattern of a commission Adelaide printing counterfeit money 6 cents a counterfeit labor costs 10 yuan face value of not more than $ 1. Representing a counterfeit east and then to each commission a dime (including watermarks, tactile and tailoring) to the coolie manufacturing.
Provide the number of machines from the indictment, the accounting for a total of east and Adelaide printed face value of $ 10 494 215 counterfeit money. Gong Wu accounted for a half of the time took 3000 yuan,louboutin official louboutins soldes louboutin price, said the cost of living, and the other occupied a coolie Liumou Fu Wu lying to work, two days to earn 100 yuan.
Yesterday,, after the trial is not in court for sentencing.