the risk of an increase of one.

Zhangjiakou newspaper (Reporter correspondent Zhang Yan Ya Kun) Recently, a joint Yuxian West Village town north of Zhangjiakou City staged a breathtaking scene, a goat accidentally fell into a dry well 25 meters of the villagers, the villagers rushed out, in the absence of Under any circumstances protective measures insisted to go down the rescue, accidentally trapped deep,hogan milano, pinch, fire officers,, policemen, medical personnel and people come together to put on a life and death rescue operations.

According to reports, 20 am day of the incident, Yuxian fire squadron command center received the alarm for help,, quickly dispatched a rescue vehicle and a fire water tankers, totaling 15 officers and men rushed to the scene of the accident.

Arrived at the scene, after a preliminary investigation found that the man was trapped inside a dry well,louis vuitton outlet,, the wellhead diameter 70 cm, depth of about 25 meters,abercrombie milano, the local people are using home hair dryer continuously inject fresh air into the well. Rescuers could hear the sound of the man's call, but the physical condition is unknown.

Time is life, delaying a minute,hogan outlet, the risk of an increase of one.

Understand the situation later,nike tn, the soldiers started fighting immediately. "Wear SCBA! Prison rope ligature points! Tripod fixed!" According to the commander's command, rescue workers into narrow, dark, damp,, hot wells,, each step forward feel difficult.

10 m, 8 m, 5 m,, 2 m, 1 m, rescue workers arrived at the bottom, after a search to find trapped, at which point the man had been in a coma. Rescue officers and immediately his legs with a rope fixed, and make the necessary protective measures. Waiting at the entrance of the officers and soldiers quickly pull rope rescue tripod and use a safety rope pulling trapped. After thirty minutes of intense rescue operations,, was successfully rescued people trapped,, and then immediately to the medical staff for treatment.

cleaners found a bag under the bed

BEIJING, June 4, according to Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao" reported that the Shenzhen police confirmed the detection of early last month uncovered charnel bizarre case. When the 3rd interview to disclose police, the suspect, a Hong Kong man Jane in two bodies of victims of exposure already arrested the next day, the police admitted to killing his girlfriend and son living together, 14 years of hiding the corpse crime. Currently, a simple suspicion of intentional homicide, criminal detention, Shenzhen City Procuratorate has approved the arrest.

This murder case occurred in 2000, but until this year, May 3 due to the cleaners to clean the murderer's room, surprised to discover two bodies,hogan donna, which were hidden for 14 years, homicide was exposed.

Cleaning expose the landlord to hire

On that day, in the charnel place ── located in Buji Street to North Street, a rental, the landlord hired a cleaner to clean the room on the top floor,, cleaners found a bag under the bed, spread bad odor, cleaners clean up ,, they discovered that the bag in possession of the bones,nike tn, and soon got the landlord to the police.

3rd Shenzhen police confirmed the case, said the 8 o'clock that night,, Longgang Public Security Bureau received landlord Zhang alarm,, police officers at the scene found two bodies, one large and one small. There are two cases because the victims, and the case material, the PUC Interpol detachment Shenzhen Longgang Public Security Bureau quickly set up a joint project team, to expand the case detective work.

After investigation, the 53-year-old Hong Kong tenant rental Kan surfaced, a major crime suspects. According to the landlord someone introduction floor, Jane since 2000 has been leased to a charnel room with an adjacent room ten years, and once every three months to pay the rent, fairly regularly. Meanwhile, the remains of the bodies were found is quite a long time to display the murder.

Project leads a group of police officers use the landlord's whereabouts Jane, and he was captured in one fell swoop. Shenzhen police revealed that on May 4, 11 am,, the suspect in a brief scare in Buji Niu Ling arrested. Under questioning,, the suspect confessed its probably in May 2000 will be live-in girlfriend and son strangled corpse and hiding facts of the crime.

Valentine and son suspected assailant burden

At this point, a 14-year charnel mystery solved, but why kill a second wife Jane and children as young as 2 years old,, has triggered suspicion. In this regard,, the police did not further disclosed,hogan outlet, but sources said the motive was due to the huge debt owed gambling suspects that his son is a lover and a burden.

According to the suspect's family to accept the Hong Kong media said, as a member of the Hong Kong warehouse Jane certain income is not high,louboutin soldes, and gambling addiction, signed hundreds of thousands of debt,hogan sito ufficiale, plus there are family, economic distress in Hong Kong, has been a decade did not go home .

Police said the May 5, Kan suspect on suspicion of intentional homicide, criminal detention. At present, Shenzhen City Procuratorate has approved the arrest.

"The original is to stay

Someone inn is still open for business.


Shatin a small hotel incident room has been sealed police someone still operating inn

(Reporter Man-yuan photo coverage) the evening of January 28,, Shatian large mud village stay in a small hotel in (32 years,, Hainan) shower in the bathroom, because carbon monoxide poisoning. After the incident,, the local police and safety supervision departments involved in the investigation, someone's hotel room was closed police, but someone still operating inn.

Automatically turn off the water heater repeatedly

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw the deceased husband Guochuan Wang and their relatives. Speaking of his wife's misfortune,, Guochuan Wang face grief,scarpe hogan, he said: "The original is to stay,, and did not have to kill his wife ......"

Guochuan Wang said that January 28, he and his wife and a driver to drive a car transporting lotus came from Wuhan Tai mud village,, night stay at this house, called the "Golden Kang stay" a small inn. "We drove to run transport, usually the province to province, so we chose this night as long as 60 yuan a small hotel." Guochuan Wang said.

After moving in, Guochuan Wang went to the bathroom to shower and saw only a few square meters sized bathroom, gas bottles and water heaters are on the inside, there is no exhaust fan. Showers process heaters automatically turn off seven or eight times.

The waiter said,, "The rooms are like this."

Flush cool, he let his wife to find a hotel waiter, told this room heater problems, asked for a room. Look after the hotel staff said: "The hotel rooms are like this."

Subsequently, in the course of the driver showers,, water heaters also occur automatically turn off. They got a hotel waiter again, the waiter to give them a change of the water heater.

Finally, Zheng Yingling into showers, long time did not come out. Initially,negozi tiffany, Guochuan Wang thought his wife Flush cool inside laundry, did not care. After about 20 minutes, he found that his wife has not happened, but also smelt a smell of gas, he felt ominous.

He knocked on the door, there is no response, then broke into the house and found his wife lying naked on the floor full. He quickly put his wife hold out,air max pas cher homme, rushed to a nearby hospital. But has been powerless, his wife died.

Reporters call Shatian propaganda department, the staff of the department,louboutin pas cher, said after the incident, police and safety supervision departments to investigate. The investigation,hogan outlet, Zheng Yingling is because of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Someone still operating inn

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter walked into someone's house hotel, see the accident room has been sealed police, but this did not stop the hotel business.

Provided by the family of the deceased reporter saw the picture, someone's room toilet is almost completely closed, the water heater hung in the bathroom, stood beside a 15 kg gas bottles filled.

(Original title: tenant inn showers poisoning)

in Beijing. Three years ago


The day before yesterday morning,, Town, Tongzhou District East is Red Tape Factory director Liu Yan was discovered missing, the plant is also a lot of equipment was sold overnight. As of yesterday afternoon, the country has hundreds of suppliers and distributors to recover arrears rushed to plant outside. According to preliminary statistics, Liu Yan swept up to 30 million more than the purchase price. Currently, Town, Tongzhou District government has to intervene,scarpe louboutin, the local police have opened investigations.

Merchant demand for payment nowhere

The day before yesterday morning, Mr Lee Yong distributors, as usual, came to the Oriental Red Tape Factory delivery, but found the door factory full of people. After asking that Mr Lee Yong, director Liu Yan has escaped and fled, those hundreds of people gathered outside the hearing came to recover the purchase price of all suppliers and distributors. Mr Lee Yong immediately out of the body sweat, "I want to turn to the money?"

Mr Lee, who lives nearby Shazikou owned for many years,nike tn requin, in Beijing. Three years ago, he contacted the tape in this industry, then get in touch with the Town, Tongzhou District is located in the East is Red Tape Factory has become one of the plant's distributors.

"I just saw this plant is an old brand, the product is very famous in the north." On the company's website, the reporter saw in the East is Red Tape Factory Profile is a company with assets of 60 million yuan of large enterprises, the annual output value of 300 million yuan,tiffany outlet italia, annual profits of 10 million yuan or more. "The plant has also worked for a unified food, Dairy Queen, Niulanshan liquor companies such as thousands of businesses across the country to provide the service."

Mr Lee Yong said that for three years he worked with the East Red Tape Factory has been very successful, the business has become more prosperous in Beijing. "Every time I hit prepayments are getting goods to go, well their credibility." Mr Lee Yong said that in December 2008, he went to fight the plant more than 20 million advance payment, two weeks before he was hit in the past 10 million,, but this time he did could get delivered.

Director disappear overnight

Yang Lei (a pseudonym) is this plant three hundred workers in one. Most of the factory's employees are locals, only a handful are Liu Yan's Henan Association. Yang Lei said the factory's efficiency has been very good, on the day of February 22, the entire factory staff also work normally before the incident,, did not find anything unusual, "the next morning to go to work, only to find that people are not a. "

Yang Lei said that the workers after work and found the leadership of the factory are gone, and the main production facilities are also missing. Asked nearby residents, the workers learned that February 22 night, it was the night of all of these devices sold away. "Factory wages owed us for two months," but we only know that Liu Yan is from Henan, specific residence is unclear. According to claiming the same village called Liu Yan, Liu did not return to their villages.

Yesterday morning,, the East is Red Tape Factory sign still hanging on the walls outside the plant, but the factory has no past angry. Many cars stuck in the factory door, the owner of these cars are workers who come to collect debts. Forty-five local workers sitting in the duty room to rest, there is often fragmented supplier trying to take away their goods into the shop, but the workers were blocked,, "Now what could not move."

Reporter Liu Yan's phone call, but it was switched off. Reporters tried and plant Financial Officer Liu Xue Jiang (sound) to get in touch, unsuccessful. Plant sales manager Liu Zhiyong, said he is also looking for the whereabouts of Liu Yan, everything else is unclear.

Alleged payments of tens of millions

And Mr Lee Yong,, Yang Lei, Liu Yan Liu Zhiyong, like trying to find the whereabouts of a few.

From the day before yesterday have hundreds of people rushed to the factory outside the recovery of debts, including Hebei,, Northeast and other places came to the manufacturers and individuals. They are paid in advance to the east of the Red Tape Factory advances amounted to tens of millions of dollars more,, at least there are more than ten million. Yang Lei said,hogan donna, on the night of February 22, there is a sum of money to hit 1.5 million on company accounts, "but the next day a check,louboutin femme pas cher, the account is completely empty." Preliminary statistics, Liu Yan allegedly swept away more than 30 million of the purchase price already.

Yesterday morning, dozens of suppliers and recover the money arrived distributors Town, Tongzhou District government discussion to say. Taiwan Town government office staff said, for the Oriental Red Tape Factory director sudden disappearance did not know. Currently the town government money being deceived these people to appease and records. Petition Office staff refused to disclose about the handling of the matter

Yesterday afternoon, the station Canal Town police station once a criminal investigation on the matter.

The reporter intern reporter Su Wei Peng Kefeng

he went to the Xi'an Railway Station

The reporter Miao waves photo (Reporter Chen Jia) time surveillance video Xi'an East Avenue, a large shopping mall display of 14:12 yesterday, a man dressed in black leaving the gold shop counter flustered. Staff were subsequently found, the value of 580,000 yuan a 2.1 carat diamond ring is its substitution. Men leave less than one minute, the counter clerk, security also chased out.

Gold counter to the "big customers"

According to staff reports, at 2 pm,, Xiaomou came to the gold counter, looked for a moment,, claiming to be a fancy one worth 580,000 yuan, known as "Zhendian treasure" 2.1 carat diamond ring. Gingerly handed the clerk will ring Xiaomou hands. Carefully looked for a moment, the clerk asked whether Xiaomou can be discounted.

After the two sides on a good price,hogan prezzi,, Xiaomou letting the clerk pulled out a necklace pendant look. "He said, you look at these two gave me a bag, I went to consult about leadership, to see whether they should be."

A few minutes later, Xiaomou return counter again, again took the ring and looked for a moment and asked the salesman "can be cheaper." At the occasion of a clerk asked another clerk discounted amount of invoice, Xiaomou dropped "diamond ring" quickly leave the counter.

"Zhendian treasure" was Diaobao

Black men to act abnormally,, causing the clerk attention. They immediately picked up by the black man threw the egg on the counter "diamond ring." After a look at the surprise: While this "ring", whether it is color, style, size,, or diamonds, are obviously "Zhendian treasure" is not the same, "diamond ring was Diaobao!"

In the security and police Beilin Branch police patrol the joint efforts of cypress, black men were arrested soon. It is understood that the man was arrested surnamed Xiao,, 39,hogan uomo, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, people. Xiaomou account, he dropped the egg "diamond ring" is to spend 15 yuan to buy the street in Zhengzhou.

Fear of being recognized from Henan Xi'an

Xiaomou said he road package works for a living,, because of the delay can not also owe a lot of credit, the capital chain rupture, frustration, numerous experiences of finding a bank's credit chief, seeking financial support. "I want to buy a fake, fool about him, did not think people found out, they returned to the fake me." Xiaomou said.

Xiaomou said the evening of December 19, at home watching movies, some stuff to let him cheat cigarette plot sudden "inspiration." "I think it is not also use this method,abercrombie france, the substitution a real diamond ring."

So, on the 20th morning,louboutin pas cher, he came by train from Zhengzhou, Xi'an. "I'm afraid to be recognized in Henan, so to Xi'an." 12 o'clock noon yesterday, he went to the Xi'an Railway Station, and directly got into a taxi. "I do not know where to sell jewelry Xi'an, give the driver said, pulled me into the biggest shopping mall in Xi'an."

XingJu suspected snatch

Xiaomou that came to East Main Street this mall, he first entered the store and saw gold counters. "At first I was kind of scared to go out when the excuse to call,louboutin femme pas cher, also hesitated for a moment, but thinking about the ring to give credit chief, I will have money ...... Now think about it, I was a fool ......" Xiaomou shed tears, he said, the family has two children and the elderly,, people called them goodbye.

Last night, on suspicion Xiaomou snatch has been Jingfangxingju Beilin.

Said to be "home"

□ "Dahe," Yang intern reporter Li Yukun to "Wuhan Evening News" reporter Guo Lixia

WASHINGTON 20 years ago,, in the streets of Wuhan stall Zhoukou people picked up an abandoned baby, adoption in his knee. Two years later, he again picked up a local grocer abandoned babies,louboutin soldes, the same wonderful reflection of upbringing.

20 years, while raising two children Yangshen Lin has been single, and the children lived a very poor day. Fruit, selling vegetables,basket tn requin, selling dry goods ...... 20 years, Yang Shenlin role in continuous conversion of life picked up the two children to adulthood. Today, the eldest daughter, a large static (a pseudonym) had to work to talk about her boyfriend, her two small static (a pseudonym) is also a sophomore.

Great Love markets picked up two abandoned children

Wuhan rained two days ago, and he's working,abercrombie soldes, "fruit stand" Unable to stand out, 65-year-old home idle.

Said to be "home", in fact, he spent 200 yuan per month to rent a house in Wuhan Green mountain village workers. Daejeong sixth eldest daughter went to Hankou a cell phone store to work,, at home on winter break and only the second daughter of a small quiet still with him, which makes Yang feel life though impoverished, but also "very happy."

One morning in May 1992, the 42-year-old bachelor saw a baby girl abandoned in Wuhan City workers Village markets. "It was not many farms Azeri, I picked up the child, says she found a piece of paper Date of birth: April 18, 1992 a small child, just one month, it was abandoned infant in her do not cry no trouble, smiled at me, my heart suddenly soft. "Yangshen Lin decided to bring the children to take home their own upbringing.

Coincidentally, one afternoon in April 1995, and again in the same markets Yangshen Lin picked up an abandoned baby. Only seven-month-old abandoned baby is hungry not a human form, the heart of compassion Yang Shenlin no hesitation, decided to hold back the home.

"More than two years time, God in the same farms 'send' Give me two kids, I think life with the sun." Yang Shenlin passing touch my heart happy, the children were named Daejeong, two quiet.

Hard working order picked up the child, Yangshen Lin Gan Shouqing poor

home in Zhoukou City Huaiyang County, Dalian Township Tuncun chicken. 3 years old, mother of sick leave thereafter Yangshen Lin has been growing in the impoverished. 34 years old, Yang Shenlin south alone, came to Wuhan City, "a street vendor." After the adoption of two successive abandoned baby, Yangshen Lin's "occupation" has never changed.

Not married, no child care experience,, the elderly father brought the kids from my hometown in Henan, dry day and shift the money himself. "At that time I have one day earn thirty or forty dollars, the children drink milk light day for more than 10 blocks,, barely earn a living." Dahe Yangshen Lin told reporters.

"We are not natural, but worth a biological father's heart especially good, people really special, although the family was poor, can be as long as there is money to him,hogan uomo, gave him what we want, especially in food and drink above, he was particularly willing. "My daughter Daejeong said.

Helping people grow sisters

Good finally rewarded, around 's never been a lack of good people.

Daejeong to school age, when Yang Shenlin find a private school in Wuhan, explain the actual situation, the person receives a large static enrollment fee remissions. Soon, because of the closure of the school, a large static WISCO into two small, but the school also eliminates her tuition.

Daejeong Middle School that year, in order to ensure the successful completion of the sister school, she decided to choose to drop out into the community as soon as possible to earn money for his father Yang Shenlin share those concerns. Since then, the two daughter static problem due accounts, Huaiyang, Henan go home in high school, and in 2013 successfully admitted to the Wuhan City, a two institutions, currently a sophomore.

"Now in college,, she rely on their own work-study program to earn some living expenses Gang." Yang Shenlin pleased to say that, along the way, he met a lot of good-hearted people, to help them through the most difficult time.

Today,, Yang a day,scarpe hogan,, although still poor, but he always felt happy from getting closer. This past Spring Festival, a large deadband boyfriend back. "Great quiet sixth went to work, as long as there is time to come back to see me two still at home now, had finished fifteenth went to school,, but the three of every two weeks, she'll be back." Yesterday, Dahe told reporters.

As the saying goes, returning to their roots, Yang said he was too old and wanted to go back home, "Big Brother house helped farmland species, and no money in building a house on the homestead, ye go ah?" Between Yang Shenlin helpless tone, mixed with a trace remains difficult Nostalgia erased.

(Original title: Single small vendors raised two abandoned children)

Edit: SN064

as young men were arrested. After a few years

73 years ago, on a trip street,, as young men were arrested. After a few years, he participated in the Sino-Japanese War, many times in a hail of bullets, with the death pass. 13 years ago, Li Meizhong decades of experience decided to write down the name "Li Meizhong the Civil war."

If not that misfortune, Li Meizhong hard to imagine such a wonderful life, let alone write a book, his own experiences for posterity. Today, Li Meizhong over ninety, still expects his book was published one day.

Yesterday, the reporter renowned for the veteran, renowned handwritten manuscript of the elderly. Despite the large number of labels, difficult for outsiders to understand, but it took the manuscript,abercrombie outlet, the reporter if in between the lines, he saw the old man had eventful years. The manuscript is very light, to see people but very heavy.

Formula Yongchuan Chongqing Morning News reporter Zhang Liang reported Reading

Although over ninety, but Li Meizhong spiritual head is still very full, agile legs, articulate clear, normal hearing. In April this year, the children to the elderly do a beautiful 90-year-old birthday party.

Took off his hat and left the elderly head prescribe strip scars. said it was at the time of Resistance was shrapnel scratch. Except under socks, his right foot inside a piece scars similar roots, this is the war he was in Guangxi,louboutin scarpe, Japan's incendiary left his scar.

Training eight months on the war front

Li Meizhong Fengjie origin, was born in 1924. One day in 1941,nike tn air, 17-year-old Li Meizhong on a street, from a completely different fate. Since that day,louboutin femme,, Li Meizhong was arrested young men.

"It was only said to be anti-Japanese." Limei Zhong memories, eight months in fact, can not tell what the real training. He remembered that, eight months never bathed, but in the morning when they were allowed to the river to wash my face, you can clearly see the large tracts of fleas on clothes.

After eight months of training in Fengjie, with the troops to be stationed in Guizhou Huang Ping, the entire foot. Enough to eat, no shoes, where a total of more than 2,,800 troops when Li Meizhong departure, along the way, "dead,, fled to escape", when a destination only a few thousand people. He was incorporated into the ninety-third KMT army commander is Muting Fang.

Two months later, troops entered the south launching Hunan, as a machine gunner , first met on Japanese positions.

"We have a good thing at that time wisdom (weapon) did not have to, rifles are some 79 rifles, Hanyang gun." Recollection of events, the elderly marvel. The most dangerous time, first an artillery shell left over, then back again one, just run, they endured a hair in front, the elderly head injury is so left.

said, feeling my mind a blur, like a drunk, like when shot. The army of the United States Military to him had surgery after treatment, Li Meizhong soon return to the battlefield, and in a battle and seized a mortar, a telephone.

Later, Li Meizhong with troops to Guilin, award exploits, until the war ended.

Homesick, he chose to retire

In June 1946, more than three years of civil war broke out.'s fate changed again. October of that year, his unit four battalions "vote total," after a month of training and consolidation, he became the PLO 8 with three columns of a machine gunner.

So far he still remembers how to use assault rifles and heavy machine guns. "Unlike television upper sweep up the mess. A heavy machine gun and 250 rounds of ammunition, the first aim, believe it will hit one of us." Limei Zhong said. He has participated in 12 battles PLA, Baoding attack in 1948 in the battle, he was the enemy shot pierced his right shoulder, was admitted to the hospital, and two retired Invalides.

During hospitalization, the troops gave him several options: return after injury forces, when he was a trained gunner this very sought; or to receive 2000 pounds of millet,, DDR.

He remembered, when asked about his people from Liu and Deng troops. "I've always wanted to see Guang'an (Deng Xiaoping's former residence)." Limei Zhong said. Because homesick eager, Li Meizhong chose the latter.

Not married wife thought he was dead

It sounds simple things home, in fact, very dangerous,, Li Meizhong almost on the way to life. "In addition to off." After Luoyang, lost his way, so he found, has come to Xi'an.

In the People's Liberation Army of powerful offensive,, Shaanxi occupy huzongnan Kuomintang troops on edge, in strengthening the defense, but also full of grasping "spies."

Because when a soldier, a Shaanxi Li Meizhong was as "spies" caught up, food stamps, documents have been found to go. He remembers, was arrested along with a total of 73 people, mostly like him, are some people who do not wish to fight.

Since then eight months, Li Meizhong always faced with the threat of death. Interrogators made from time to time we have to turn these people play a meal. The most dangerous day, there are 73 people pulled out to stand in a row, all ready to shoot.

At this time, during the war had followed from the place of execution after a Kuomintang officer, they watched Li Meizhong some familiar, walked over. "You are Li Meizhong?" He asked. Li Meizhong hastened to answer, "I am."

The officer will Limei Zhong pulled out and taken to hospital. March 1949, Peng Xian troops attack, the Kuomintang troops leg to stand on, so that the hospital staff find their way out of injuries. He took advantage of this opportunity to get away.

There is also a family did not get married, "wives." Before being forced recruitment, parents had given him a marriage. Fengjie return home, he and his wife Yang Guizhen married,, gave birth to three boys and three girls. Later, his wife told him that after the hospital during the war , comrades find him,chaussures tn, gave the family a letter, which said been killed in the fighting.

Few years, the wife has to take care of their parents at home. "If I really dead how to do?" Asked Li Meizhong. "Then I went up the mountain to make a nun." His wife replied. Yang Guizhen had died ten years ago.

Greatest wish to write their own book published

Getting older, Li Meizhong had an idea to write down their own stories. 13 years ago, Li Meizhong begin each word write your own story. This "Li Meizhong Civil war" has more than twenty thousand words.

Eight years ago, an old man moved from Fengjie to Yongchuan five town treasure village. Limei Zhong said, the book's dream continues. After immigration Yongchuan, the town has a special care for his fight for the gold.

And many people born in the same era, education level is not high. According to his own account, 11 years old and 13 years old, was in a private school Fengjie school for six months, at the cost of 30 pounds of food. Opened his handwritten manuscript, each page can see a lot of red font marked. Said the old man, had written too many typos, do not write the word, to find homophone instead, teach or have grandchildren. Pan and his teacher in the village of the same old thing heard, but also assume responsibility for proofreading.

Over the years, he will be more than three copies of manuscript copies to give to friends and relatives. His best hope is to be able to finish his own experience as soon as possible, out of a book.

Now old body is still in good health, he attributed to a proper diet. "In the morning three eggs, two meters at noon, dinner around a bowl of rice." Said the old man.

(Original title: 90-year-old war veterans spent 13 years writing his memoirs)